Tuesday, March 29, 2011

apartment living and volunteering. Can't think of a title

footsteps in the stair well
drums up the wave
before it crashes
don't inhale
or you won't be able to breath
heart is racing
from new beginnings
asking questions
about reading and writing
am I the right one to answer
never thought a classroom's
needs could be bigger
then my faults and idiosyncracies
I do my best to keep a float
Today the wave is too great
and I surrender in two hours
wonder if their heat is on during this
cold wet spring day

Saturday, March 26, 2011

jounral entry 3/26/11

There were two young women looking for something in one of there cars. One was very upset using double negatives and telling her firend how much she hates her life. I hoped it wasn't just a cell phone that made her that upset. Maybe an engagement ring or something.
There are two asian men moving out of there apartment. They have a U-haul. I wonder why they didn't hire movers. I think they are moving out then again I haven't seen them before.
Two Indian men looked at the model apartment under me. The good looking blonde that works in the leasing office showed them.
She knows my name but I don't know her name.
I took out the trash, and cleaned out Malcolm's box.
It is a cool day that requires a hoody and long pants.The weather man said something about snow today, but it isn't cold enough.
Yesterday, I talked with my neighbor from West Virginia.
She asked, "What happened to spring?"
I was on my balcony with my tobargan and leather coat, smoking a cigarette. She was taking out her trash.
I told her about the wintery mix, and she told me she heard about that.
Dad said March is often like this. I guess the weather fluctuates.
Last night we were at the Pour House watching Richmond lose to Kansas by 20 points. Vcu, I found out this morning, beat Florida state.
No real plans today. It is Saturday.
Dad stayed up late last night to watch the vcu game. He ran some arans this morning, but now he is taking a nap.
The boss is playing on my stereo, but I am not really listening. I have trouble believing that a rock star can sing so much about the comman man. I wonder how does he get his material. Either way it is still on.
Life is good. I often joke about writing a best selling book. Truth is I have pleanty of money with my military disability and early social security. I am comfortable.
Several of my friends are buying houses and are getting married. I am not looking for a relationship, and I am satisfied in my apartment. It is just Malcolm and me-two cool dudes.

Thursday, March 24, 2011


eye in the cloud overhead
a dark cloud
sign of rain
thunder storm configoration
in early spring
winds going as fast
as cars on 64
traffic standstill
predestrians move quicker
sun hidden
a crashing kettle drum
followed by seconds worth of light
scaring children
raging war
on what we take for gran it
weather man warns
rain starts as a caress
then moves to punching
of not seeing objects infront
I get home
falling out of love
beginning with a thunderous
splitting us up in the comforts
of another home
not yet a comfort zone
the rain drenches us like being baptized
individuals of a family
under the clouds, rain, and thundering
beats of hearts
separated by hours
not whole