Wednesday, June 30, 2010


I was so happy to see my daddy. People inside the airport clapped their hands for my daddy and the soldiers around him.
Daddy gave me a great big hug and mommy got a kiss on the cheek. I was so happy that we were all together again.
Days went by and daddy sometimes wanted to be alone or sometimes he even cried. Daddy had changed
Mommy and I didn’t know what to do.
Mommy and I always gave him a big hug. Daddy would tell us that he was glad to be back home.
One day we went grocery shopping. I could see that my daddy seemed nervous and shakened. He told my mommy that he wanted to wait in the car.
Mommy kissed him and said, “Okay.”
Mommy and me got the groceries and the nice man who worked at the grocery store helped us take them to our car.
When we got home daddy helped us bring the groceries inside our house.
After that daddy hugged mommy and me, and told us that he was going to the veterans hospital tomorrow.
The veterans hospital is a place where soldiers go after they been in the service.
Daddy got up early in the morning, and I watched Tv
While daddy was away our neighbors came over. They asked about my daddy. Mommy told me to go out and play. I went out to play.
Daddy finally came back home. I held his hand and we went inside.
My daddy looked at mommy and said, “It is PTSD.”
Mommy came over and hugged daddy.
“What’s PTSD?” I asked.
Daddy looked at me and smiled. “Post traumatic Stress.”
I looked at my daddy. “What is post traumatic stress?”
“It is when you experience something bad and your head doesn’t know how to take it.” Daddy answered.
“Is it like when I got my stitches or when I skinned my knee?”
Daddy smiled. “It is something a lot worse then getting stitches or skinning your knee.”
“Like what?” I asked.
Daddy padded me on the head. “Don’t worry about that now. What matters now is that I love you.”
Daddy and I hugged.

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