Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Money (that's want I want) a comparative examination of the Beatles version and motown's version sung by Barret Strong

Everything you need to know about love is in the motown. In the early years several of the songs were written by a man named Berry Gorby. Barret Strong sang it for the lable he was a local act. Several bands have covered the song notably the Beatles.
Both versions have a piano that makes you want to move. The motown versions is straight up soul while the beatles version has John Lennon's screaming vocals.
I personally can't decide which one I like better.
The motown version has horns as well as piano and female background vocals. While The Beatles version just has four guys who obviously enjoy performing the song.The beatles have recently reissued their music for the public. You can even get it on itunes. Motown can be found anywhere just as long as you are willing to look. I bought motown gold from borders bookstore. It is a two disk set of forty songs. Money (that's what I want) can be found on the Beatles album with the beatles.

Lastly there are some things in this world that are free. A sunset, a spring day, free refills on coffee and sweet tea as well as that fortune cookie at the end of your meal at Peaking (chinese restaurant)

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