Saturday, January 7, 2012

Are We better off not knowing

Are we better off not knowing- a freewrite
I am trying to tackle Understanding Media a book by Marshal Mcluhan. It is tough when you just have a community college education. It was published in 1994 so yes it is kind of outdated. I say this because it mention the phone as being a cold medium. I don’t think Mr. Mcluhan had the forsithe to see social networking and you tube by phone. I got to plead ignorance on this one but cold medium sounds like weak medium to me. This book is complicated so I am skimming it.
One thing that caught my eye was in chapter 21 entitled Press. I was interested in this, because during the holidays when the wine and beer were flowing my relatives got into a debate. It was on politics about the election. Fox news was the source of the info discussed by two of my relatives. They got it from Fox News that the president will lose the election in a landslide. My parents who get their news from Msnbc, Cnn and the so called lame stream media said he will win. I stayed quiet feeling that the media as a whole has gotten too big.
In the chapter called Press, Mcluhan mentions that in 1962 when Minneapolis had been for months without a newspaper, the chief of police said, “Sure I miss the news , but so far as my job goes I hope the papers never come back. There is less crime around without a newspaper to pass around the ideas.”
I wonder less crime? I wonder what else would we not have. Both democrats and republicans would agree that this country isn’t where we should be. But this country wants it’s news even if it is the tabloids.
I think about the new air Jordans. I think about flash mobs that riot and loot. As the media gone far enough? Maybe you can just see the bad in everything. I think the media is out of control. Meanwhile you are reading this on a blog. I assure you I am not getting paid for this. Remember Fox News, Msnbc, CNN, and others are a business. They are trying to sell you something like those Jordans.
Maybe I should tackle Manufacturing Consent. I recommend whoever read this to do your own research. The back of the book says, “A Powerful Assessment of How the U.S. Mass Media Fail to Provide the kind of Information That We Need to Understand the World”

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