Tuesday, August 10, 2010

journal entry

Aug 10, 2010

After hearing that a fellow vet's breif case was stolen my mother sprung into action and found one she wasn't using.
Mr. Robertson was the vet. He carried his breif case everywhere with him, but nobody knew why.
However, I didn't go to Mcguire today for group therapy. Maybe Mr. Robertson will get his new used breif case Thursday.
Since I didn't go to the veterans hospital, I woke up late, drank my coffee, and smoked cigarettes.
I also went on facebook with an idea for a friend- an old friend from high school and beyond.
The friend entered himself in a grappling tournament. He had posted pictures.
He also sings in a punk band. The picture gave me the idea that his band should cover street fighting man by the rolling stones.
I tried chatting with him on facebook, but he never responded.
The last time I saw him was at his wedding reception. I saw a bunch of old freinds there as well.
I was with my mom and decided not to drink, out of respect for my friend.
I didn't drink because my friend and I had an argument about me drinking on my medication.I don't remember how exactly the argument went, but I guess he was mad and just decided to not talk to me anymore.
My other friend's had a similar response not because of my drinking. If anything they were to busy to return my phone calls.
Alone isn't always so bad.
I was at a chinese restaurant with my mom, and after the mealwhen we got our fortune cookies, mine said, I need to make new friends. I don't know where to start.
Anyway today I had some arans to run. They weren't the mndame kind, and it gave me something to do.
My aunt was coming to town. My mom and my aunt are twins and they had a birthday last Saturday.
I bought my mom a gift certificate for a facial at Ulta. For my Aunt got a gift certificate at Lowe's so she could buy knock out roses for her yard. I also bought a fifth of Dewar's (scotch) that is her's and her's alone.
I love going to the ABC's store. I get so excited that my heart can't be caged by my ribs. It feels like it wants to break the cage and drink some scotch. I usually have to contain those emotions, because if I don't it would be possible to get into a car crash. Scotch is beautiful.
Before the scotch I went to the drugstore to by a birthday card for my aunt.
After all that I went to carpool to get my car washed. It needed it.
I bought my car from my parents for four thousand dollars. This was after I got out of the hospital, when my illness wasn't cured, but with the help of medication it could be contained.
The car is a 1997 Toyata Camry. Even though I am saving up for a new car, Iplan on driving the camry untill the engine falls out of it.
At carpool I of course made eye contact with the pretty young thing behind the register. I paid, and she gave me spring rain to make my car smell good.
I was carrying Mr. Robertson's briefcase which contained the bottle of scotch for my aunt and a cheaper bottle for myself. It also had the birthday card in it.
I then realized why people carry briefcases. Carrying a breifcase makes you feel important, and I figure that is why Mr. Robertson does it.
I also carried it because I thought it would be better to carry those things instead of leaving them in the car where a youngster could steal them. If I was that age I would probably do it. Gran it scotch is an aquired taste but if it is in the view of a youngster there's a chance it could be stolen.
I love my car. As it was coming out of the first phase of the wash, one word came to mind-SEXY.
I am surprise they didn't call me up to get it started for them. The key s bent, and it takes some extra tender loving care to get it started. I thought I was like the Fonz. Only I could get that car started. But they proved me wrong at carpool.
My car was finally ready so I drove home in success.

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