Wednesday, November 16, 2011

The 17th Annual Carolina Beach Music Awards

According to Wikipedia in the early years beach music was called race music. THe genre now is mainly in the Carolinas. It influences are from the forties fifties and sixties ranging from swing to old time rock and roll, not to mention blues.
During the CArolina Beach awards people were dressed in their best. I saw little to no people my own age. It was mainly baby boomers and older.
I debated rather or not I would write about the award show because I can't see myself buying this kind of music. However, the stage presence of the bands made me speechless. The music represents youth for the older adults that are for the most part about to retire if their not already.
One award that was given was the pioneer award. This award was given to Eddie Cornelius. He accepted the award at the beginning of the show and then preformed at the end.It doesn't matter what age you are if you are a music lover like I am you would instantly recongize his hits, "Treat her like a Lady," and "Too late to Turn back now" to name a few. He now sings gospel. You know what he still got it.
The Carolina beach music community has their own niche. It seems like everyone knows everyone. I can only think of a few musical genres where the bands constantly think their fans that seem like they all live in the same neigborhood.
I am listening to Ceelo now. A band at the Beach Music awards sang a revised version of his popular hit "F- You." I have often said that Ceelo would be MOtown if it had survived.
In North Myrtle Beach there is Fat Harold's on Main Street. THis is a bar where people can dance the shag. There is also a store there that you can buy shag shoes. There is a shag Hall of Fame. The inductees were dancing their tail's off at the award show spinning a twirling.
For you yankees this award show wouldn't fit your stereotype of south carolina. Whites and Blacks were tapping their toes together aplauding to their favorite bands enjoying the soulful tunes of a genre that helped shaped this country's history in rock and roll.

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