Sunday, December 11, 2011

Dear Mr. President

Here is some background information for this idea. My dad was a principal and a HR rep for Henrico Schools. As a principal he had to do performance reviews for teachers as an Hr rep he created them. The reason I tell you this I think there should be something like performace reviews for countries. Such as Pakistan.
The performace reviews should be like a check list. One thing that can be checked off is if that country has had a democratic election that isn't corrupt.
It shouldn't be a long checklist. Maybe it should have five things on it. If a country scores less then three out of five we shouldn't give them money. Maybe we should tell them what to work on.
If a country scores lower then three out of five then we take that money an invest in our future. OUr kids nephews nieces or grandkids. If we don't take care of them they will not take care of us.
Bottom line we can't be caretakers of the world with all the problems we have in our country.
If the country has a democratic election we should question the group that is now encharge. Even though we have religious freedom in our country if the group encharge of another country opresses women or another group that should be a deal breaker.
Another issue I would like to bring up is hazing or bullying in the military. Soldiers of the same rank should not do this. The reason I say this is because of drill sergeants. Drill sergeant prepare our soldiers for war. And obviously they have to be a higher rank.
A drill sergeant will break you down to bring you back up to have a military mind. This is necessary because a military life is far more different then civilain life. It safe to say a soldier isn't the same after experiencing the drill sergeant's grasp.
That is all I can think of so far. Hope you enjoyed the Army Navy game.


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