Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Nature vs. Technology

In August, in the same week Richmond, Va expierenced an earthquake and hurricane.
During the earthquake and after cell phone companies were over whelmed by calls so much so some calls didn't go through. I'm sure these lines were full of people either asking fo help or asking if their love one's were okay.
During the hurricane power went out for a several days into weeks. Nature won.
We depend on technology so much so that when it is taken away from us we are in the dark in more ways then one. Maybe we take things for gran it.
Technology can be used for good. It doen't have to be a natural disaster for people to tweet or call someone. NOwadays our country as well as others around the world are using technology to rise up and join together to rise against.
We use technology so much of us don't remember what it was like without it. If taken away we are lost
Remember pay phones? Remember depending on T.V. for news (one of few ways to get the news then)? Remember developing film?
NOw we can contact a firend, search the web for information or news, and blog so easily and convienantly. Yet half the population is on zoloft.
You are probably saying to yourself an earthquake, on the eastcoast, happens once in a century. YOu are probably questioning why you are reading this blog.
I can't help but ask what is wrong with us? Why the obscession? Having the latest phone, the latest labtop or Ipad is not fool proof. Now you don't even have to go out to cut down a Christmas tree, because there is a website for that.
THis all can be cut off by a strong gust of wind, a shake to the ground, and rising water. Remember nature always wins.

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