Monday, December 17, 2012

GUns and the Nra

Do you really think that our founding father's had assualt weapons in mind when they wrote the second amendment?
The best way for me to understand the other side is to say what if the governemnt said I can't buy R and B records anymore. I still can't understand why someone would want assualt weapons her one of those clips that hold so many bullets.
If the NRA wants to save face they should donate to such organizations as Nami or just to mental health in general. As far as I can tell they're not doing much with their so called influence on our society.
Maybe we should have psychological evauations for potential gun owners. Maybe even raise the IQ for owning a gun.
When guns are in a house with children, they should be locked up. I haven't heard any of that talk on the news.

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