Sunday, December 2, 2012

The most important, sermon

I know the only religious influence that seem to make the news are the extremeist. I listened to one of my sermons today, and the pastor said the Jewish law is impossible to follow, and when Jesus was asked what is the single most important thing. It is to love God- not protest at a soldiers funeral because you think GOd hates the gays. Also you often see women treated like dogs. It seems like some religious white men think they are only good for breeding.
Also said in the sermon, is to understand that GOd loves us unconditionally but we are train wrecks. Train wrecks that summs up my twenties. I was so hard of hearing that I had to lose it all, and I do mean all to turn back and follow Jesus. This has made me humbled.
Some of you are saying that organized religion causes most of the wars. Idiots start wars. I am tired of hearing that it is GOds will.
My pastor said be fanatical with your love for God. Since we are trainwrecks, I can't help but feel there is speculation with some of us. Fanatical, I think that is noncomformity. I think that is go against the herd. Nowadays there are several ways to conform. Try and be an individual that can stand alone and love the unlovable.
Some of you probably saying he contradcited himself by bringing up extremists and then using the word fanatical. There should be line drawn. Don't hurt anybody else.


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