Wednesday, November 28, 2012


Maybe I am writing this for me more then anything else. Today I read an article in the HUffington Post talking about the stigma attached to mental illness. Specifcally it was about changing the name of schizophrenia. On facebook I liked this fan page that said Boeing is not giving the same rights to gay employees as heterosexual employees. Then there is immigration. Not to mention high student loans. Depending on where you go wether it is the south or north or in between people have their own opiinions on what their America should be. People question when exactly the government should step in.
Probably the most hated group are rich conservative white guys. Some of which did not get their money from working hard or investing smartly but by being born with a silver spoon in their mouth.
This election proved to me that you can't buy it.
What can we tell our future? By the future I mean kids. The 'have nots' are my biggest worry.
I personally think I was born into being middle class. However, there are decsions I have made that prevented me from being my view of successful. There has also been things that have happened to me that I had no control over. KIds will have to be stronger then ever.
I have been some what pessimistics about persuing dreams. Why do dreams often have to be fame and fortune? When I was a kid I wish I had done a better job at persuing brains. I wish there could be a flipflop between public service jobs and professional athletes, movie actors, rock stars to name a few.  Weird thing is sometimes the people who you think have it all are unhappy. With success maybe the grass is always greener... And with freedom do unto others...

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