Wednesday, November 7, 2012

There is such a thing as left nut jobs too

Like me you are probably glad the campaigning is over, all the emails, telephone calls, and what not are over. I am a democrat and even I got tired of the left, Even on facebook. I liked this fanpage. I won't name it but one day they had a post saying that one of Romney sons bought some voting machines and he gave it to Ohio or something like that. With the results of the election last night obviously this is not the case. But if Romney had won, can you image some left nut job harassing this poor young man. Obama won Ohio. Do you understand what I am getting at? We as Americans have to question the media. And what is the media it can be pretty much anybody.
On here I have mentioned Fox News and Right nutjobs. But the left can be extreme too.
If your guy won last night don't be a sore winner. Do you remember Al Gore? HOw about JOhn Kerry? I will admit this though I had a huge sigh of relief.

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