Sunday, February 24, 2013

Teenager in love with Alone

Morning dove hums
like fingers perfectly placed on a six string
there is no sun
the branches of the trees are naked
the day hasn't extended its arms to embrace him
full black top parking lot
standing still
like a teenager with no one to kiss at the dance
observations becomes still lives
for the brain
and the teenager tells himself he
will never feel this lonely again
But alone might as well be a long lost cousin
or the family nickname
he wishes there was a sun to rise
so the night would finally be over
He is lost in stills as people congregate
for something or someone else
He is lost yet finds the strength to smile
He whistles to the virgin alone
the fair skin
the trend setter
the buzz from the boose
and the touch of fingertips
gently tapping up his arm
He smiles and vocalizes,
"Alone, Alone never leave for I am a soldier without a war!"
the teenager drives away
to the morning dove
that sounds like it is
immunlating his sighs of relief
rich kids, poor kids,
middle children can't disrupt the morning dove
and the teenagers contentment

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