Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Occupy Richmond-maybe another French Revolution_Interestine times

Here on the westend there are republicans. There are people who believe in limited government. There are people here who would vote for voodoo economics all over again. Tonight a waiteress said Fox News is my shit. Her reasoning drug test.She said the governemnt shouln't regulate that.
I have been doing some reading on the French revolution. Gran it france was a monarchy before it was overthrown but still in france 95% of the people were not being represented. Occupy Richond wants to give 99% of the population of voice.
These are indeed exciting times. During the French Revoltuion peasants or commoners started "the great fear" that is destroying anything that was of the old regime France.
There were about 700 arrest in New York when people protest against wall street. My dad said they are against greed. I don't think he is in to it.
The rich should be taxed the poor however are taxed more.
I question everything and if at anytime I am incorrect in this blog feel free to call me out on my shit.
What actaully do we want? What actually will unify us? WIth this kind of protest I can't say I am into the mob mantality.
There so many news stations with conflicting views. I was raised democrat. I am told by facebook democrats want to take away my veterans benefits. On another hand republicans do not want to put the money into public schools which is the future of our nation. What source should I trust? Does this country have to be as separated has it is?
African Americans or what I can tell by Black comdedians is unempolyment began being an issue when whites or the private sector were laid off.
Where are these lines being drawn for the next revolution? College students are doing what they are suppose to do by graduating but what do they have to show for it a mountain of debt and unemployment.
Occupy Richmond is planning a silent protest on Friday.The police won't talk about their plan. What if the tea party shows up? Who will push harder?
Being an indivdual that lives off the government now I look back at my time at VCU. There were anarchist (I don't know if they went to school) and communist. Extremes on both sides won't get the job done. Would love to hear your feedback...

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