Sunday, March 11, 2012


You exist in tragedy from natuaral disasters to mankind's wars. There is unrest in the world and I am feeling disaster inside. May I lift everything to you from politics, to the varied emotional states to my mental handicap.
Dear Jesus show yourself by any means necassary rather it is flowers in the Spring or blue skies.
I hear your voice when I read the bible, and feel your pressence when I pray. OUr relationship has been rocky at best. I am a repeat sinful offender. I pray for you to forgive me again. I am restless because it feels at times we are only connected by thin strings that your father can cut at anytime. God thank you for taking it all away before. I see it as the only way that I would have followed you, but I pray that others won't go down the same path as my past.
Sometimes I just feel like staying inside with the fear of confrontation. The world is on my shoulders, because I feel I can't spread your word the right way.
Jesus I pray for the non-believers that see the church as wrong, but they don't see the will you have to make them prosper not on this earth but in heaven.
Sometimes my prayers to you are a few words, thanking you to asking for help. As simple as they are you answer. We will carry on this conversation later untill then we will walk together with at ease minds.

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