Sunday, March 4, 2012

IN response to area 10 sermon on 2/27/12-freewrite

The man that gave this sermon, talked about the story about Jesus when he was in a packed house healing people and doing great things. Suddenly a parapeligic man on a mat was lowered down from the roof. Jesus saw the men, and then he saw their faith. If you know the story, what happen next. Jesus said your sins are forgiven. The men who brought the man must have had a problem with that. Jesus then asked what is easier to say your sins are forgiven or take up your mat and walk.
I have a question for you, does Jesus only show his glory in desparate times?
Some of you can't relate to my blog for what ever reason. I figure you did the straight and narrow life early unlike myself. One thing that the good doers and the rebels have in comman is we all eventually plateau. We may ask the question, what do we have to show for it?
Some of you can answer that question like I have a spouse that loves me, I have a nice house, my car is great etc. THose things don't mean a thing unless you have Jesus.
I know I personally felt better about life when Jesus came back into my life then when I was blaming everyone else for my problems. ONe thing about Jesus is he never leaves. I picture Jesus in the back ground with a person who may have gone astray. He could be biting his lip or he wants to punch your shoulder. Since he is always there I see him as being accomadating. He will give us what he thinks we can handle, even though Americans want more then what they already have. It is important to thank God for what you have.

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