Wednesday, September 26, 2012


I needed a new pair a shoes for school and basketball. I played basketball at my church.
My dad took me to an inexpensive shoe store and pretty much let me loose. That is where I saw them. Jordache sounded like JOrdans as in MIchael Jordan. I thought they were expensive maybe Mr. Jordan made these too. NOt only that but they were black and since I was with my dad he let me get them because my mom didn't like black tennis shoes. I guess she thought they were associated with the so called bad crowd.
I tried them on, they were comfortable, and I honestly thought they made me jump higher.
I went to basketball practice and my coach nicknamed me windex, because I would, so he said, clean the glass backboards getting the rebounds. Yes these shoes did make me jump higher.
School was a different story. I grew up in South Roanoke where nike and addidas reigned. I thought my shoes were made by nike even though I couln't find the nike swoosh on them.
I got made fun of untill I thought I was going to cry. I don't remember if it was because I was wrong about these shoes that didn't actually make me jump higher or because I couldn't afford the same shoe the kids in my neighborhood could afford.
Rich kid evolution has for the most part nothing to do with strength but it does have something to do with name brand clothes. It all seems ridiculous now on both sides.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

rough draft of speech

Rough draft of speech


We all need an outlet or something that takes us away from the everyday stresses or struggles that comes with life. Some of you are probably thinking about that coffee break, the Taj mahal, going on a walk or maybe you are happy to be here and you are anxiously waiting for what I have to say.

            This speech is going to discuss writing or art as means to describe our demons. Hemmingway said, “Writer’s are alone.” Silvia Platt said, “I am a tortured soul.” Jack Kerouac was kick out of the U.S. marines and he even dropped out of college. They’re people or individuals out there that don’t seem to belong with their surrounding or the mainstream. Yet when they face an empty page or empty canvas it envelope their senses like a rose garden. It is their outlet it what makes them feel normal.

            It isn’t until something catastrophic happens to these artists that we hear depression, schizophrenia or anxieties. Except for Jack Kerouac suicide seemed like the only option. Their words are now their epitaph.

            Do you think that if these writers received help or the breakthroughs that are happening today were in these writers’s prime would they have written their greatest works?  If Silvia Platt was put on anti-depressants would she have written the bell jar? If Hemmingway had emitted himself earlier to the hospital with the breakthrough we have today, would he have won the Nobel Prize?
            I will never be as recognized as these great writers. I get an injection every four weeks and I take my medication orally so yes my schizophrenia is treated for the most part. I still have to ignore excess, off the wall thinking or delusions. Can help but wonder or should I question my poetry or other forms of writing. I will not have that masterpiece. You want to know what; I am satisfied with my life. I have no awards no following, and I will always write my poetry and other writing. Once you realize you are never going to be famous it takes the pressure off.     

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Give them a choice

Being a vet I get some of the best health care. The reason I bring this up is because of the health care law. I think the fact that it doesn't turn away people with pre existing condtions is awesome.
Recently Romney called this an entitlement. Meanwhile he has had every oppatunity to succeed. His dad was rich and he calls free health care an entitlement.
The president even wants to raise taxes on individuals making $250,000 or more. How about if we give them a choice. Taxes are a very general term. Let's say the rich had a choice on where to pay. It can be with defense, social security, or health care. Maybe give them the choice to evenly dispute their "taxes."
When I think of republicans I think of people who only get behind and issue when it affects them directly. For the most part they don't want to be inconvienace by the epa or unions, because chances are they worked hard enough in their life to be on top. Sometimes it is infact nepatism. The rest of us shouldn't feel jealous we have our own struggle.
Or this is alittle but more extreme if a family is making more then $250,000, then make a son or daugher join the military.
Serving a person's country is probably a big reason why they join the military. Another reason are the benefits. The military doesn't care about your social class especially if you are enlisted in the army. I was enlisted in the army do you think the army cared if my parents lived in suburbia.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

The Rant

Saw a documentary called the other F word, and do you want to know what the other F word is? Family. This documentary had a bunch of punk bands in it such as Pennywise, Bad religion and others in California. Members of the band are considered successful because they can support themselves with their music.
Now Pennywise's lead singer had a wife and kids. He often feels pressure with people in the so called scene about being "Punk rock." Meanwhile he cares alot about his kids and they are reaching an age where they want to rebel. He has to be a dad.
I bought a Pennywise album when I was in, I think middle school. I didn't like it. I thought it sounded like so many other bands out there, and I couldn't say that I was that into the vocals.
During the documentary though I found myself really respecting the singer. He actually instead of being on the road and making money and playing shows, canceled some tour dates so he could go to the father daughter dance. He got a bunch of crap from his band mates who didn't have kids and I thought his band mates were idiots.
They showed the guitar player at the mic telling the crowd how messed up he was. as in beer or , what ever his drink was for that night.
THe end of the documentary the singer actually quit. He wanted to spend time with his family.
I went to the grocery store and a buggy that sounded like a punk drum solo. I went to check out and I stood behind a mom and a daughter. The daughter kind of looked ridciulous. However, she did have a Descendant patch on her vest. I honestly wished that her generation would find their own music. I remembered the documentary and figured free advertising. This is one way how the descdants pay their way. It doesn't seem to punk rock to me but I am all about family.
This rant is going to change its focus. Everything had been done. Music specifcally new music all sound the same as old music. Even if there is an innovator for today's society they will be swooped up by corporate greed and their art will suffer.
I think this is kind of humorous a punk band gets successful and their not happening anymore.

Monday, September 10, 2012

How I see business

How I see business is based on personal experience. NOw I've never been in the position where I had to worry about profits.
I think of my brother's restaurant. My brother has a good work ethic. I think he and my sister-inlaw should have  afree meal there whether it for their anniversay or a birthday or whatever. I think the other employees should have the same thing.This has not entered the mangement's heads. It is a nice restauart in Roanoke.
ANother way I see business is from an old high school job I had. Where we made our own ranch dressing-with the powder, and the buttermilk and what not. THey found out making it this way saves money. NOw it was tedious I persoanlly at the time would rather be smoking cigarettes but it was all part of the job.
This restaurant, where we made the ranch dressing, was a small business. LIke the middle class it was trying to save money. So doesn't it make since to grow AMerica from the middle class out. If you cut the middle class taxes they will save and spend on small businesses. Who know maybe my old reataruant will get regular ranch dressing.