Wednesday, September 12, 2012

The Rant

Saw a documentary called the other F word, and do you want to know what the other F word is? Family. This documentary had a bunch of punk bands in it such as Pennywise, Bad religion and others in California. Members of the band are considered successful because they can support themselves with their music.
Now Pennywise's lead singer had a wife and kids. He often feels pressure with people in the so called scene about being "Punk rock." Meanwhile he cares alot about his kids and they are reaching an age where they want to rebel. He has to be a dad.
I bought a Pennywise album when I was in, I think middle school. I didn't like it. I thought it sounded like so many other bands out there, and I couldn't say that I was that into the vocals.
During the documentary though I found myself really respecting the singer. He actually instead of being on the road and making money and playing shows, canceled some tour dates so he could go to the father daughter dance. He got a bunch of crap from his band mates who didn't have kids and I thought his band mates were idiots.
They showed the guitar player at the mic telling the crowd how messed up he was. as in beer or , what ever his drink was for that night.
THe end of the documentary the singer actually quit. He wanted to spend time with his family.
I went to the grocery store and a buggy that sounded like a punk drum solo. I went to check out and I stood behind a mom and a daughter. The daughter kind of looked ridciulous. However, she did have a Descendant patch on her vest. I honestly wished that her generation would find their own music. I remembered the documentary and figured free advertising. This is one way how the descdants pay their way. It doesn't seem to punk rock to me but I am all about family.
This rant is going to change its focus. Everything had been done. Music specifcally new music all sound the same as old music. Even if there is an innovator for today's society they will be swooped up by corporate greed and their art will suffer.
I think this is kind of humorous a punk band gets successful and their not happening anymore.

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