Wednesday, November 28, 2012


Maybe I am writing this for me more then anything else. Today I read an article in the HUffington Post talking about the stigma attached to mental illness. Specifcally it was about changing the name of schizophrenia. On facebook I liked this fan page that said Boeing is not giving the same rights to gay employees as heterosexual employees. Then there is immigration. Not to mention high student loans. Depending on where you go wether it is the south or north or in between people have their own opiinions on what their America should be. People question when exactly the government should step in.
Probably the most hated group are rich conservative white guys. Some of which did not get their money from working hard or investing smartly but by being born with a silver spoon in their mouth.
This election proved to me that you can't buy it.
What can we tell our future? By the future I mean kids. The 'have nots' are my biggest worry.
I personally think I was born into being middle class. However, there are decsions I have made that prevented me from being my view of successful. There has also been things that have happened to me that I had no control over. KIds will have to be stronger then ever.
I have been some what pessimistics about persuing dreams. Why do dreams often have to be fame and fortune? When I was a kid I wish I had done a better job at persuing brains. I wish there could be a flipflop between public service jobs and professional athletes, movie actors, rock stars to name a few.  Weird thing is sometimes the people who you think have it all are unhappy. With success maybe the grass is always greener... And with freedom do unto others...

Saturday, November 17, 2012

A child's paint brush

Is the sky half full with blue, or half empty with orange
still a page to be filled by a child's paint brush

dotted and solid lines
for a child to write the story
that captures the sky

arms extended for mom to hold on

the orange rises
and the blue grows faint

the tree struggles to hold
on to their yellow leaves but can't

they shed their skin
to show the fall's skeleton

the child can't figure out
how to draw the cool
restriciting air

so he signs his name
and hands it over

Thursday, November 15, 2012

About Shane

I was in a band with three other guys. We would make up our songs, and living a small town with not that much to do this was our purpose. I don't remember how long we were togehter but I ended up quitting the band because of writer's block. As a kid I didn't know how to handle writer's block. I also got tired of playing the same set list or the same songs. Writer's block made me feel worthless and stupid.
The THree other members invited Shane to be a new band. I was immediatley jealous. I asked Will the lead singer if he was a good guitar player. Will said yes and I could tell he ment it.
Jealousy is not the best way to get  to know someone.
THen I saw them live. Shit he is a good guitar. It made me feel worse because he was better then me. During the show I did my best to figure out the chords. I had never seen them before. I told Will this at the waffle house. "Yeah, he makes up his own chords." What the hell.
The band was True Solar Holiday. I guess it was an emo indie kind of thing. Shane could rock.
Dear Shane,
It is really shitty that we had the same illness but I never got to tell you what I have learned on my end. I feel there is unfinish business here that I can't do anything about. Now I have time on my hands which I try to educate and share my illness with others through publication and other things. I can't share with you. But I undertand what you were going through because I went through the same things. LOve Peace and Music 

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

There is such a thing as left nut jobs too

Like me you are probably glad the campaigning is over, all the emails, telephone calls, and what not are over. I am a democrat and even I got tired of the left, Even on facebook. I liked this fanpage. I won't name it but one day they had a post saying that one of Romney sons bought some voting machines and he gave it to Ohio or something like that. With the results of the election last night obviously this is not the case. But if Romney had won, can you image some left nut job harassing this poor young man. Obama won Ohio. Do you understand what I am getting at? We as Americans have to question the media. And what is the media it can be pretty much anybody.
On here I have mentioned Fox News and Right nutjobs. But the left can be extreme too.
If your guy won last night don't be a sore winner. Do you remember Al Gore? HOw about JOhn Kerry? I will admit this though I had a huge sigh of relief.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

THe Storm

Sandy pumled the north east with wind and rain. A ray of sunshine was when the president and the governor of New Jersey shook hands bridgeing party lines. Meanwhile Romny looked some what out of place at red cross. What a gymp.
We are still being  bombarded by both parties with emails, commercials and social media. This of course is mainly happening in the battle ground states.
I know who I am voting for. In fact I knew who I was voting for during the republican primaries. Either way both men do not have the balls to say enough is enough. Personally, I think if one campaign said that they would put the money that is left over in their campaign towards the national debt even a little, there would be  a push in the polls.
There are people donating millions and millions of dollars so that their taxes would be cut or there would be a lacks in business regulations.
I have more respect for people doesn't matter what party their in that worked their way up to millionare status. I think people that had money given to them should spend time in the military. Romny's sons will not have to work a day in their life. THey won't even have to go to college. I think one is running for general assembly. How can Romny relate to us. I would like to say that every politician puts on happy face no matter how fake to relate to voters, and with the polls at  a dead heat I beleive your vote will mean something.