Monday, February 20, 2012

anger freewrite

Ephesians 4:26 - And "don't sin by letting anger control you." Don't let the sun go down while you are still angry.
Some of you hate the fact that this is how I write now. I consider the bible and devotion to be a healthy addiction and sometimes I need some direction. The bible is a blueprint, and it still apply to man's sins today.
Christians aren't perfect. We may feel anger for the simple clique that life didn't turn out the way we wanted or because our jobs do not pay what we think we are worth.
I let my anger get the best of me one night. It was Friday, and I was drinking at a bar in Roanoke.
I wasn't in a bad mood, and I would like to think that I don't have a chip on my shoulder. I do value my own personal space rather it is physical space, mental or emotional space.
If anything I was glad I was out with my brother and sister-in-law. We had just seen a very good ragae band at the coffee pot.
At the bar we were drinking near the pool tables when this guy came up to us wearing all black and he had a turtle neck on. He also had a red scarf which I thought was odd when he had a turtle neck. NOt to mention it wasn't that cold outside.
He was talking to my brother and sister-in-law. He wasn't taking the hint that my brother and sister-in-law didn't want anything to do with this particular jerk.
I didn't hear the conversation, because the music was so loud, but at one point he slid up the arm of his turtle neck to show my brother and sister-in-law where he had been shot in the arm.
I thought he was flexing for my sister-in-law. I wanted him to leave.
I was smoking so I said,"YOu know what you need? You need a cigarette burn right beside it."
I didn't burn him I thought anyone could tell that I was joking.
He took my wrist and tried to use martial arts move with my arm. I thought he was trying to break it. I was stronger then him, however, and I bent my arm back how it was suppose to be which burned the piece of skin connecting his thumb with his pointer finger with my cigarette.
I think I apologised, and then he left.
I started thinking about how I was jumped and duct taped in the army. I concluded he was getting his friends together and I would probably be jumped when I left.
When I usually go out I always try to find an easy exit. I usually keep my distance towards the drunk that can't take a hint. When I go out in the westend they are usually bouncers. I figure if there were bouncers at this bar it would have stopped the minute he tried twisting my arm.
The jerk came back. He started talking to my brother again, and that was when I said,"Why don't you just leave my brother alone."
With a nod I think my brother told me things were okay. Then the jerk came to me with his hand out for a shake.
He said,"I know your sorry for being a dick."
Suddenly the lights in my brain went out. I pushed him. I thought it wasn't a strong push just enough to let him know to give me my space. I was wrong. He went sliding across the floor to where people were sitting at the bar. A girl at the bar lifted her leg up so she would step on his head. I hesitated but then found myself on top him with a right hook to his forehead.
The fight was immediatley stopped. MY brother pulled me off him with such strength that I was now intemidated of my brother. The bartender said, "I want them both out."
I started to leave on my own. REalizing my hat was off my head I went back to retrieve it. I got it, put it on my head, and left. While I was doing this I heard the jerk say terrified,"He's coming back."
The bartender answered,"He is just getting his hat."
OUtisde I walked to my brother's car not feeling glory or excitement. I felt a heavy weight of guilt. This was when I realized I never been on this end of a fight before. Gran it the guy was taller then me but I didn't feel the need to celebrate. I felt awful.
I walked to the cup cake shop and looked in. My nieces birthday was going to be there next week. Even the outside of the cup cake shop looked like it was made of sugar and it could be eaten and enjoyed.
Then my brother drove by with my sister-in-law. My brother wave me over to come across the street. My feet stepped heavy. My shoulders slouched because the weight on them were to heavy to carry.
I got in my brother's car, and we drove back to his house. He was very upset, even that is an understatement.
To sum up, he told me I was a guess in his town, and he liked going to the bar and he could be kicked out by affliation. That made him even more mad.
Some more words were exchanged throughout the night that I would rather not go into. I don't consider myself a fighter, and I still feel terrible.
The next day I appologise to my brother, but I don't think it is enough.

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