Monday, February 13, 2012

To Drake, Reid, Tatum

It is about 50 degrees here. It was so nice I was able to go on my mile walk. I usually walk on the street behind my apartment. As I was walking, I noticed a boy. He was probably in middle school so I guess he was in your age range.
THis boy had a trash bag and he was cleaning up trash. I know it was probably a school project and he would normally not be doing this, but I thanked him and continued my walk. While I was walking I notcied the trash too. HIs act inspired me to pick up cigarette butts and other kinds of trash. When I came back to him I thanked him again and I put the trash I had collected in his bag.
Now adults would be cincal about this kind of thing. Cinical is being negative. They would probably say, "I would pick it up but someone would just put more trash on the ground." Some of us are different. That boy inspired me to bring a Kroger bag out when I go walking again. Do you see what one good deed does to people. YOu might not be able to see the result but something will happen.
So on a nice Spring day, when your homework is done or you have a good start on it, go on a walk with a kroger bag and just see what people put on the ground. You probably can't pick it all up, but it is a start. People will see it and either thank you or do something nice for their community. I don't know it is a theory.
You guys mean alot to me and I love all three of you.

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