Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Theory (probably heard this before)

Charles Dickens turned 200. When I was a kid I read Oliver Twist with the help of my mom. The book was big print and it had pictures to go along with the story. I would read some and then she would read some.
When I got to the end, I was so excited, afterall that book was pretty thick.
I wish I could read more now, because of my mental health diagnosis it is hard for me to focus. I can get by reading the bible. I also get my news online if not NPR. I sometimes go on the New York Times website or since I follow alot of news sources on twitter I get my news there.
As adults I don't think we get the same excitement from finishing a thick book. We may run out and tell our friends or just feel satisfaction, but it isn't as intense as when we were a kid.
The reason I say this is because I don't have any kids but I do my best to remember what it was like so I can relate to the youth of today. In the words of Neil Young, "Old man look at my life I'm alot like you were..."
If you can remember how you felt as a kid rather it is you being read to you actually reading the book that's a good thing. Wouldn't you like to be apart of that again. MOst of you have heard it before but read or be read to by a kid. Youth can sometimes be contagious.

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