Monday, February 6, 2012


I was drinking at a bar in North Myrtle Beach. I was sitting at the bar drinking a beer and watching an NBa game. To my left was a lesbian couple. They were spending alot of their money on those touch screen video games that are at the bar. They were having a blast, and inbewteen sips of their drinks they were flirting with the bartender who was female. The bartender was infact cute.
One of the women was standing up so I offered my chair. She told me she was fine and she went back to her game.
NOw the bible says a man shouldn't lay with another man. It also says LOve thy neighbor as yourself, and it says several times not to judge.
I didn't mention that to my right was a drunk cussing out his girlfriend on his cell phone.
Who do you think I would rather hangout with. Personally it would be the lesbians. I occassionally looked over to my left to get a word in but they were having so much fun with that video game that I decided not to disturb them.
Being a imperfect person why should I judge. Do you actually think that your bashing a gay couple will make the world a better place? DO you think questioning their life style makes yours that much better?
I remember my first times experiencing a gay couple was when I was just a kid. There names were Chris and GAry. They lived together and they were always nice to me, but as a kid I didn't understand.
On a nice day they would be in their speedo laying in their lawn chairs getting sun. During a block party Gary wanted to throw the football with me and some kids. He threw like a girl and when he followed through he had a chicken wing. They were nice though. Remember the golden rule, do onto others...
I don't consider myself liberal or conservative. Definitly not conservative and when I think of liberal, I think of those film makers who go down to the south a pick the dumbest person and decide to make a documentary. I could introduce them to some of the greatest people on earth.
another issue... We had just entered Richmond when NPR was talking about the new overturning of the one gun a month bill in the state of Virginia. I don't own a gun. I don't want a gun. I did my best to hear the whole issue to try to understand both sides. A politician said under the old law, since it was a law, a person would have had 240 guns. Why would you need that many? Maybe you want to start an army or something I don't know. The story also talked about gun trafficing. Apprarently, people from up north like New York would buy their guns in Va and then commit a crime in New York. Also people are trying to pass having a concealed weapon and not having a permit. As far as that law goes, think about owning car. You need a driver's license, and also registration. I can't say that I am pro gun. THose kinda problems could be solved if the gun own would grow a pare and buy a punching bag and boxing gloves. Try punching a bag. Why don't you learn how to fight. Fools

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