Sunday, March 17, 2013

3/17/13 sermon chosen by God

The world or America wants us to live the dream. The dream is to work hard, get married, have kids, and live in a nice house. Some of you are probably thinking that diesn't exist anymore, and some of you are probably taken the dream to the next level. Providing for you family is one thing, but turning your kids into deush bags is another. KIds do not need a brand new car when they turn sixteen. THey don't need name brand clothes, or the latest greatest Iphone. KIds shouldn't be in the mind set that they are too good to work at some job where they cleanup after others or serve the public.
Todays sermon was entitled-Exile Chosen by God. It takes place in 1 Peter. Peter says we are living stones for God's house. WE are just a little piece of the puzzle.
If God is or was in your household, you will see change.
I grew up in a Southern Baptist church. Looking back, I think there were many nice people there. HOwever as a kid I could only see the conservative view. Meanwhile I was getting into punk rock, and I was raised to be democrat. I was in the minority.
Some of you have probably heard something in the church or from so called religious people that turned you off.
Personally I think when mankind gets involved with anything it becomes corrupt. I know I am not  perfect. HOnestly there are some days when I don't feel like reading my devotions from Chuck Swindoll-no particular reason just laziness.
For those of you who have left. GOd wants you and he never left you. GOd has no interest in materialistic things some people want.
God wants you. He wants a schizophrenic, an alcoholic, sometimes socially awkward, sometimes man with a mousey voice, fat guy. But he not only wants you, he wants you to spread the story of how he has changed you. MIssions fields can be anywhere. Have strength. You may be rejected, and you may even be laughed at, who cares!

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