Sunday, March 24, 2013

area10blog- Living with Freedom (freewrite)

When I was alot younger then I am now, I bought a t-shirt that had an anarchy symbol on the front. ON the back it said PUnk is not dead. I got it from a store similar to Hot Topic. I was a poser.
I was still living underneath my parents roof, and I thought punk or even myself would eventaully over throw the governemnt and we would have anarchy. Only problem was how do you start something like that. I didn't know.
With Freedom, too much of anything can be a bad thing. Too much alcohol, drugs and mayhem is  a bad thing just ask Sid Vicious. If you can find him.
As adults we are free but they are some contraints, such as the laws. With anarchy someone can still your car and nothing would be done about that.
The sermon even discussed that most people's outside view of Christians is that they don't have fun. Growing up in a church I had the same view but now I see Fun as something that runs out. I am 32 now and beer gut doesn't look sexy. Not to mention, alcohol's influence can promote bad diecision making. My pastor says the bible says don't get drunk it doesn't say not to drink. HOwever, for me 1 beer can turn into three, can turn into five and so on. For me I try not to drink.
As far christians not having any fun, it are depends on the christian. Right now I am listening to the ventures, and before that it was the jazz giants Dizzy and Charlie Parker. I always have to have music going on in my apartment.
In todays society it seems that the world wants you to drink. This goes way beyond beer comercials. I guess we all need some kind of vice.
In the words of HUnter S. Thompson, you can turn your back on a firend but you can't turn your back on a drug. With alcohol you never know how a person is going to react. In bar scene was wrong glance was wrong motion can mean alot.  Having smarts about drugs or bars doesn't put money in your back account it takes money away.
I am rambling now so I better stop.


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