Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Epic POem (fiction)

THe end was posted on a bed sheet
nailed to a wall
we watched enlightened
as our fate reign throughout
the sky fell
and the earth was on fire
the end was televised
or it could be streamed on your labtop
we laughed and cried
like fools debating
what should we spend our last dollar on
cell phones lost their charge
and nature was victorious
the lights were on inside yet dim
we couldn't tell if it was day or night outside
missing pieces of the sky were faded red
what was left of the earth was ash and mud
stunned we viewed the screen
and turned to view outside
to be certain the end was really going on
without heart stopping ring tones
mountain roared down like waves in the ocean
water evaporated
leaving our mouths dry
then finally decending from the sky,
besides the last fragments of the horizon,
the chosen one in armor that
shined passed the sun blinding our eyes
the massive figure's face could not be viewed
People in the shape of stars formed a symphony
the melody quivered our spines
they played and we rose through
the fragile roof over our heads
some stayed and mixed with mud and ash
we entered a new dimension
that non-believers said was not true
they cried out, "NOw I beleive!"
Suddenly the ground shook and broke apart
devouring what was left of earth
the melody brought infalliable souls together
in a worldly reunion

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