Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Read the review of When We Were Young

It is at . Then search by my name or by the title


She is the eye of the storm. Chaos was all around her. She stayed genuine, and could find things (no matter how simple) to smile about. She was willing to play in the dirt with children. She spoiled her cats. She was loyal to a fault, and an example to live by. God-like and so beautiful...Can't wait for the rain so I can hear her sighs

Monday, June 27, 2011

This is the postal service blues

Hey, Mail Man
I'm expecting a letter
a letter from my baby
i got nothing today
you see what we can do
my baby and I
can send letters
and talk online

Hey Mail Man,
why didn't you come today
you see my baby
is too far away

she said she put on some lipstick
and kissed the letter for me
and she sprayed a little
perfume for me
I called you up
had to press so many numbers
making my baby further away

Can you relate Mail Man?
or does your baby wait at
home for you
with a cold drink
and dinner for you
I want to touch my baby
but she's too far away

Saturday, June 25, 2011

For the Love of Idaho


Maybe Jesus was aligning my inner soldiers for the war for love. Let me explain I was with my doctor at the veterans hospital when she adviced me to quit drinking.
She said,” You’ve tried cutting down but haven’t able to do it. Why don’t you just quit.”
I didn’t think I could do it at the time. Beer must have been written in my DNa. Even then when I was debating sobriety I would have admitted that I was tired of the bar scene, I was tired of drunken eyes theirs at the bar and mine. I was tired of drinking 9 of a 12 pack alone in my apartment. I was tired of a day wasted because of a hangover.
Turns out April 24, Easter Sunday 2011, I drank my last two beers, but this story isn’t about recovering from alcoholism.
Not drinking left my nights free even though when I had been drinking I wasn’t drinking every night. IN one month I sent poems and short stories off to magazines to try to get published. I sent about 1 off once a day if not more. I had a blog, and a self published book out. I spent the time posting, and sharing on my blog. I also was expected to promote my own book.
To promote my own book, I sent the press release out, sometimes an electronic copy of the book, or maybe the actual paperback. Very rarely did I get a response. I didn’t mind, and it didn’t stop me, I had nothing better to do with my time. I saw it as a job.
Another way to promote my book was through dating sites. I figured I wasn’t that ugly and I wasn’t the best looking but I was kind of good looking. Because of that I thought women would view my profile.
In my profile there was the title of my book, where you get it, and a picture of my 1 year old niece standing up with the help of my brother’s couch. This was free advertising. I didn’t have to pay a dime.
I had given up on finding someone. I figured I was just going to be alone, and sometimes alone isn’t that bad.
On most dating sites browsing was free. The site would have a picture of a woman and you either clicked on yes or skip. I got to point that I clicked yes for all of them. Images curse on yes and me like feen click the left button on my mouse as fast as I could. I figured by clicking yes they will go to my profile and find out about my book, and hopefully buy it on amazon.
Then she found me on facebook. She later told me that she went of my profile of the dating site tried to click for there, and decided to look my book on amazon to get my last name. She said she thought I had a face worth checking out. She asked for a friend request, and I looked at her picture long and hard. Finally I clicked yes.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Defining "created"

Genesis 1:1 In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. You probably heard it so often you can say it without looking.
The bible used the word created just created. It goes on about darkness and God saying, "let there be light." But created very general.
Here is an anology.
An artist wants to paint a picture or create one. What happens next? He buys a canvas. I am told that if he is a good artist he makes his own so what does he need if he makes his own one example is wood and the right kind of wood. Then he needs that stuff that you paint over. What does he need next? Paint, brushes. I apologise if I am leaving something out. He may check his own supplies...whoops he is running out of a certain color, got to go buy some and brush has been used too much so he has to buy a new brush. Okay he has all his supplies. Now he is standing infront of the canvas ready to paint.
There is so much more that goes into the word create. Create is like beautiful maybe doesn't fully capture what you are talking about, and used too much.
Science is studying this. The creation of the world. If you have taken Biology 101 or Life science, you probably were taught about how the world was created. I am terrible with science but that part of it always interested me, along with the debate of creationism and maybe the big bang theory.
I think the Christian community should embrace the science community and visa versa.
God dumbed down "In the beginning," so we would understand but some is starting to come out. WHo put those explosive gases there? Who created the gases? God is an artist.

Underground Christian

It is hard finding a church that you think you belong in. BY church I mean, a couple of bricks, walls, roof, maybe a steeple.
Back in the day, Christans were persecuted or even killed for their beliefs.THey had to whorship underground. You know what their symbol was? The Jesus fish you see on the back of cars. MY grandpa explained this to me. He of course, did a better job explaining it then I just did.
One of my favorite scenes in the Roanoke Christmas pageant was an account of Jesus going to a church, and he just went nuts. There was gambling and other sin going on, and well Jesus was so upset he caused a scene.
So if he had problems with it, it is okay for you to have problems now. If you don't like "organized religion," you can whorship God in your own home maybe invite your friends.
You may come to a passage of the bible that you don't understand. Do not get turned off, seek help. You may have to ask a few pastors or a few priest, but God will tell you the answer.
If you decide to be an underground Christian remember this story. After Jesus was crusified the disciples went running. Peter, a good friend of Jesus, left his side.
Jesus during the last supper predicted that Peter would deny him three times before the cock crows. The cock being a rooster that crows when it first sees the sun. Peter did this. He denied Jesus, saying "I don't know him," and "I don't know who you speak of." ALl this and Peter and Jesus were tight.
The reason I tell this story is because if you decide to be an underground Christain you will be tested by today's world. WIll you deny Jesus? It is easier then you think, and no one knows what they are going to do in the heat of the moment. If you stand up for God, God will stand up for you. Surrender all to him, and be happy.

another ranting 6/21/11

It was on the nightly news so that is how I found out about it. I don't watch golf. At the beginning of the U.S open there were kids saying the pledge of allegance. The word God was taken out. Basically the left was fine with it and the right thought it was terrible.
America isn't always beautiful. what are we trying to hold on to. Go ahead write another pledge allegance or even national anthem. Maybe higher ambitious high school senoirs to write it. Maybe college students. Better yet kindergarteners. Maybe my kindergardeners. A man was shot and killed in their neighborhood last night. I wonder what they would have to say about the great U.S.A. What are we trying to hold on to. The country has made too many mistakes in our history.
The pledge of allegance proably won't be with us in heaven. Heaven won't have borders or boundaries. Heaven is a far better place.
The nightly News also talked about how split up we are as a nation. In my opinion,we have two majorities. We have two mainstreams. Both should be questioned.
The right saw NBc's actions as godless. A Republican canidate for president saw it as an oportunity. He wants to a go back to moral society or something like that. He preobably meant go back to a 1950's society. I think of the song MOther's little helper by the Rolling Stones not saying every wife as a "little yellow pill," but I think it is a front a fasad.
Then there is the left, who believes in separtion of church and state. I said this before people abuse God's word. This side the left wants to save the enviroment and give equal oportunity to all (to name a few things). I think that is God-like and yet they don't want anything to do with him. They don't believe in him. I was the same way. Maybe they question why are they not happy of satisfied. They maybe successful and have everything people strive to have or have a goal to get where they want to go, and it is a good goal but they may have said at one time or another, "something is missing." That is not the human condition as flawed as we are we need God.
I personally (in the past) tried to feel that emptiness with beer, unoragnized boxing (still like boxing), and vandalism.
Beer gives you hangovers, with boxing I fought a golden glove and he gave me two black eyes so work was hard the next day, and with vandalism you will eventaully get caught.
Others may try to fill it with money, work, love which isn't a bad thing. Love can end in divorce after the newness is over and the spark is gone. God will keep a couple burning.
Jesus was a radical. He quesitoned authority, the government, the church. He even said the poor man is more likely to get into heaven then the rich man. I could go on for pages about that. I'll sum my thoughts up with this statement: MOney is a distraction.
Heaven will be interestine.

Monday, June 20, 2011

The Roots 2/8/05

After being discharged from the army and filing for unemployment,I heard the Roots were coming into town on the sixth of this month. I used to have all the albums. I bought the first one on my own, somehow Things far apart ended up in my cd book, and when I was still stationed at Fort Irwin, California I bought Phrenology and Tipping Point at the post exchange. ALthough I wasn't going to college and not even enrolled in vcu, I used my old student ID card to get the student discount.
I thought it was going to be more of a hassle then it actually was, but after the full assault on the campus at vcu, and enough ground forces all I needed was an atm.
When I attended vcu as a student for a semester, 9/11 hit, and it was part of the force that motivated me to join the army. Finally there was something better to do then the usual bar.
After the grooves of JOhn Legend's vocals, they were announced as the hardest working band in show bizz. This wasn't just a typical hip hop group known for robust women stretching it all out for the lights of the student body at the segal center. They were a band of experienced musicians influence ranging from African beats, to rock, the muse from the club, and oldies soul. I was suppose to cover this without a press pass, and just my own ears and pen.
The songs during their set merged into one another in almost punk fashion, but there was no blast beats and thunderous bar chords. They played an underrated song on their new album, Everybody is a Star. I played this when I was coming back from Fort Irwin cross country. UNfortunatley, the cd player broke down in El Paso Texas. However, as the Calvary says, "drive on."
The bass solo had a point where it sounded like raindrops on a tin roof. The bassist fingers had enough rage and emotion to make it sound like a percussion instrument. The guitar solo had an influence of Jimi Hendrix, echo through the crowd like a gunshot. The piano player poked fun of Mozart as he played on to the drums in machine rhythm, fluttering your heart like subs and speakers in the back of a car.
If they come again, I encourage you to check them out maybe buy Things Far Apart before you judge the set up of the group's music. Tipping point sporadically fires on the scale, and is a good buy.

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Christians and Non-believers

I see us all as being corrupt. This goes back to Adam and Eve. When mankind gets involved with anything, rather that is government, religion, or an innocent Friday night; it turns well negative or corrupt. Some Christians out there are seen as perfect, they are not.
A man used John Lennon's song Imagine as a sermon. If there was "no religion too," maybe no wars and science would be free to discover new things. Would we be unified?
Pastors of churches (not all) have cheated on their wives or had some kind of secret sin. The religiously warped have bombed abortion clinics and some have done more like that.
Non- beleivers, which I used to relate to, lump the christians who follow God's message as crazy, and as one unit.I am sure you remeber what was suppose to happen last month, the rapture.
I beleive in unity but not all christians are alike.
I think of my pastor, if I drank beer I could have abeer with him. He also got me into the band muse.
For non-believers maybe the churchy enviroment isn't your bag. However God does want us to go to church. I say take baby steps: such as praying, try to find a booklet called the daily bread. This booklet as verses and passages to explain things. It takes no time at all to do it everyday. Eventually after all that you may want tp find a church.
You want to know how I found my church? I found out about it in a bar. I was talking to this navy vet, and I felt comfortable enough to ask him about church. God was working that night. Drinking at a bar was the only way I would listen, at the time. It taught me that God can be accomadating.
The only reason I started praying was because I hit bottom, and I had no other option. If you are a non-believer don't wait until the world is crashing down upon you, like I did.
As far as praying goes, my prayers are short and sweat unlike my grandpa's prayers that were extravagant and beautiful. I pray short prayers through out the day like conversation. It is sometimes as simple as saying, "help me Jesus," or "thank you, Jesus." When I am not praying those prayers I am usually praying for my family.
Non-believers you can find your spot in God's world. You will be invited with open arms. Finally churches aren't the walls and the roof, it is whorshiping God wherever you can.

Friday, June 17, 2011

When we were Young by Jason Jepson

Read the review of When We Were Young by Jason Jepson on . Then buy it at www, ,, or barnes and Coming soon in about 2 months When WE Were Young by Jason Jepson will be an ebook. SOooo get your nook or Ipad ready

Thursday, June 16, 2011

"like" when we were young on facebook. Then visit my website

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

When We Were Young By Jason Jepson

Buy it off my website ,, barnes and noble, towers, towers to name a few. Read a portion of it on this blog under May 3, 2011

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Sunday 6/12/11

Inspired by Psalms 89
-talks about how faithful God is

Luke 6:27-
Love your enemies
turning the other cheek
Give even though you won't be paid back
heaven's reward is far greater

John 19:30-
"It is finished!"
If I was there those words would have concerned me
(skipped to the Resurrection)
Pastor talked about Faith
example: Do you have faith that Alexander the great conquered all those countries? How can you? You weren't there. Faith.
I think you probably understand what is was getting at.

Revelations 22:7-
In this God refers to himself as Alpha the Omega and the morning star. (to name a few)
I was compelled to read some of revelations, which is a weird book, because I am sure you remember what was suppose to happen May 21- the rapture.
For some of us God has reduced (if reduce is the right word) as little kids the night before Christmas. JUst that God refers to himself as the morning star proves that there are sights in nature that says God is watching us. There is nature and the pleasantries of the human condition in this life so my question is What is the rush?

Thursday, June 9, 2011

She lives in my buidling haven't seen her in awhile

soul as thick as muddy water
sighs pure as a new born
the vision of skin to skin
together with bed sheets on the floor
speaks to me like jazz
from the beginning to the geniouses
your hips move to the sound
of an ecletic drum solo
I would have to stare
questioning the player
your legs tingle
like the rising note around my torso
America might have invented the soundtrack
but I am sure this feeling sails over seas
Brazil to Europe
the muse makes my fingertips anxious
can't type the blues away
the horns have eyes on your walk
through the parking lot
and your pencil thin grin is applause
the perfect ending
to a soulful evening

18 year old soul

Girl put your hair back
wear those old jeans
beat up tennis shoes
can't help but notice
the simple things
like the hair reaching above your ear
and the fact
you don't care about first impressions
let's just sit together
and forget everything
we can't do
with our lives
we'll start over tomorrow

Listening to Bob Dylan. These maybe lyrics

Speaking through the stereo
a dream achieved
a hope recieved
artist prosper
I go to sleep with it on
the last song plays
and melodies circle around my head
I'll give you my love
If you let me catch my breathe
inspired by you
not at my best
but not climbing uphill
although not quite at the summit
but still can enjoy the view
you're in my words
Would it be how I remember
since you're not around
youth has past
to think I thought I would never be content
Now you probably couldn't handle me alone

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Three Young Devils

young devils drink cheap libations
to grow courage for their apacolypse
without seatbelts
they take a dip in the cool river
with no clothes
to celebrate youth
everything is crashing down around them
but their souls on that midnight
should have bought more cigarettes
one speaks to the rest
but nothing is open
beyond the boundaries
of their realities
for that cool refreshing evening
pretty soon the spins makes since
one notices the world is spinning
and all he can do is lie down
in the dark while the others swim
he was suppose to be working the grind
he called his boss with a phony cough
this is the future of our world crumbling down
they can't escape
they can only grow older
while taking their separate paths for success
whatever that may be
but for that night
glory drenches them
the only way to dry off is to roll all the windows down
and drive as fast as you can

in a weird mood

kick your heals up
young babes speak the truth
dancing freely through the streets
we are drawn light flies to the neon lights
hangover from the love buzz
while we embrace one another
while touching cheek to cheek
our eyes will undress the obstacles
as rain falls from the sun
debating its place in our hearts
the heat source will be our souls
extending their hands to observers
to be loved on
some may drop their wallets and name brand clothes
some will whisper unity
when others just smile
for us all as one
boundaries of the mind
and heart are broken
as we teach the young our new laws
connected by 1 hope
who ever thought it could be this good?

Tuesday, June 7, 2011


This country is not taking care of our future. BY future I mean our kids as in their education.
Here we have two wars winding down and no talks on increasing our education budget.
Here is the thing there is no union for our students. There is no one to say that since the government isn't spending money on their facilities, textbooks, supplies etc. students will walk or strike. They can't do that, because they are not considered "adults" by society.
I was told school was my job when I was young. Maybe it is a job but students aren't given rights or being taken care of. These kids will be taken care of us in the future. They will be making the decsions. So this is what we can do for them. Write to a congressman or all of them for all I care. The website is You may have to put in your zip code. As far as senators go you can look that up for yourselves.
Okay done venting

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Hope I don't step on anybody toes 6/4/11

The stories I could tell would make me rich if they would sell. My experences would make the obedient rich man nervous. He thought I was "new money." After that I excuse myself from conversation. He then talked about how he bought a shotgun for the young men who vandalize. He wasn't happy with the response he got from the police.
I use to share the sentiment of the young men. My insecurities told me I would never be able to live in that neighborhood. Maybe it was jealousy. One thing is for sure, I didn't understand the fathers and their sons mentality.
Maybe there were more underlining factors to my troubles that surfaces in the military but I am not a doctor.
Success I question that everyday. I've always have. Is it the big house the nice car or speaking the language. If I had any of that I would probably get lost. Being disabled I find I don't take things for grant it like the once who seem to have everything going for them.
I am now self sustaining. NO kids, no wife but a one bed room apartment that I enjoy coming home to. I drive a car built in '97 that according to a menchanic can't drive the long trips but it gets me around town.
I've quit drinking except for the occassional glass of wine. Alcholism runs in my family and frankly I don't want to be a writing clique.
This is not an essay to tell you how great I am, but just to tell you I am thankful for my life, and the stories I have to tell.

A beach scene after hours

Ocean in the eyes like a thousand yard stare
can't see anything else for miles
lose focus to the shore
watch couple enjoying a sun set
kids skipping touching the water barely
with their toes
sea oats blow in the wind
men fish and have spent all day with their fishing rods
the water breaks and it is as white as the jet stream above
lyrics to a change of scenery

Thursday, June 2, 2011

This is Low Tide again. I added a line, and I really need to know if I did agood job ornot

Low Tide
The night was beginning its reign
The only light starting to show were the stars
And the fiery red cherries on cigarettes
Providing a cloud of smoke
Which stood above couples sitting on blankets
The stench of love and hate was in the air
For this small southern town still segregated by race
Yet still some mixed things up
It looked like freckles on a southern girl
The show was free

There was a jazz band on stage dishing out their hopes and fears
Spoon feeding the crowd like babies in a high chair
With every new note it was a wound being healed
It was like the music was saying, “yeah I’ve been there.”

I was entranced with every piercing melody

The trumpet reached new heights
Of dissolute paradise
The saxophone bled contentment
And the manic drums, piano, and bass
Brought back the past like a slap in the face

The jazz band kept playing
And I couldn’t catch up
Then suddenly STOP
The members on stage smiled at each other
With a deep breath
There was a sound of a lone cymbal
A wave of horns started to build
As it peaked they roared
Engulfing me with everything that was clear
Finally it broke and carried me away