Saturday, June 25, 2011

For the Love of Idaho


Maybe Jesus was aligning my inner soldiers for the war for love. Let me explain I was with my doctor at the veterans hospital when she adviced me to quit drinking.
She said,” You’ve tried cutting down but haven’t able to do it. Why don’t you just quit.”
I didn’t think I could do it at the time. Beer must have been written in my DNa. Even then when I was debating sobriety I would have admitted that I was tired of the bar scene, I was tired of drunken eyes theirs at the bar and mine. I was tired of drinking 9 of a 12 pack alone in my apartment. I was tired of a day wasted because of a hangover.
Turns out April 24, Easter Sunday 2011, I drank my last two beers, but this story isn’t about recovering from alcoholism.
Not drinking left my nights free even though when I had been drinking I wasn’t drinking every night. IN one month I sent poems and short stories off to magazines to try to get published. I sent about 1 off once a day if not more. I had a blog, and a self published book out. I spent the time posting, and sharing on my blog. I also was expected to promote my own book.
To promote my own book, I sent the press release out, sometimes an electronic copy of the book, or maybe the actual paperback. Very rarely did I get a response. I didn’t mind, and it didn’t stop me, I had nothing better to do with my time. I saw it as a job.
Another way to promote my book was through dating sites. I figured I wasn’t that ugly and I wasn’t the best looking but I was kind of good looking. Because of that I thought women would view my profile.
In my profile there was the title of my book, where you get it, and a picture of my 1 year old niece standing up with the help of my brother’s couch. This was free advertising. I didn’t have to pay a dime.
I had given up on finding someone. I figured I was just going to be alone, and sometimes alone isn’t that bad.
On most dating sites browsing was free. The site would have a picture of a woman and you either clicked on yes or skip. I got to point that I clicked yes for all of them. Images curse on yes and me like feen click the left button on my mouse as fast as I could. I figured by clicking yes they will go to my profile and find out about my book, and hopefully buy it on amazon.
Then she found me on facebook. She later told me that she went of my profile of the dating site tried to click for there, and decided to look my book on amazon to get my last name. She said she thought I had a face worth checking out. She asked for a friend request, and I looked at her picture long and hard. Finally I clicked yes.

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