Tuesday, June 7, 2011


This country is not taking care of our future. BY future I mean our kids as in their education.
Here we have two wars winding down and no talks on increasing our education budget.
Here is the thing there is no union for our students. There is no one to say that since the government isn't spending money on their facilities, textbooks, supplies etc. students will walk or strike. They can't do that, because they are not considered "adults" by society.
I was told school was my job when I was young. Maybe it is a job but students aren't given rights or being taken care of. These kids will be taken care of us in the future. They will be making the decsions. So this is what we can do for them. Write to a congressman or all of them for all I care. The website is www.house.gov. You may have to put in your zip code. As far as senators go you can look that up for yourselves.
Okay done venting

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