Tuesday, June 21, 2011

another ranting 6/21/11

It was on the nightly news so that is how I found out about it. I don't watch golf. At the beginning of the U.S open there were kids saying the pledge of allegance. The word God was taken out. Basically the left was fine with it and the right thought it was terrible.
America isn't always beautiful. what are we trying to hold on to. Go ahead write another pledge allegance or even national anthem. Maybe higher ambitious high school senoirs to write it. Maybe college students. Better yet kindergarteners. Maybe my kindergardeners. A man was shot and killed in their neighborhood last night. I wonder what they would have to say about the great U.S.A. What are we trying to hold on to. The country has made too many mistakes in our history.
The pledge of allegance proably won't be with us in heaven. Heaven won't have borders or boundaries. Heaven is a far better place.
The nightly News also talked about how split up we are as a nation. In my opinion,we have two majorities. We have two mainstreams. Both should be questioned.
The right saw NBc's actions as godless. A Republican canidate for president saw it as an oportunity. He wants to a go back to moral society or something like that. He preobably meant go back to a 1950's society. I think of the song MOther's little helper by the Rolling Stones not saying every wife as a "little yellow pill," but I think it is a front a fasad.
Then there is the left, who believes in separtion of church and state. I said this before people abuse God's word. This side the left wants to save the enviroment and give equal oportunity to all (to name a few things). I think that is God-like and yet they don't want anything to do with him. They don't believe in him. I was the same way. Maybe they question why are they not happy of satisfied. They maybe successful and have everything people strive to have or have a goal to get where they want to go, and it is a good goal but they may have said at one time or another, "something is missing." That is not the human condition as flawed as we are we need God.
I personally (in the past) tried to feel that emptiness with beer, unoragnized boxing (still like boxing), and vandalism.
Beer gives you hangovers, with boxing I fought a golden glove and he gave me two black eyes so work was hard the next day, and with vandalism you will eventaully get caught.
Others may try to fill it with money, work, love which isn't a bad thing. Love can end in divorce after the newness is over and the spark is gone. God will keep a couple burning.
Jesus was a radical. He quesitoned authority, the government, the church. He even said the poor man is more likely to get into heaven then the rich man. I could go on for pages about that. I'll sum my thoughts up with this statement: MOney is a distraction.
Heaven will be interestine.

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