Saturday, June 18, 2011

Christians and Non-believers

I see us all as being corrupt. This goes back to Adam and Eve. When mankind gets involved with anything, rather that is government, religion, or an innocent Friday night; it turns well negative or corrupt. Some Christians out there are seen as perfect, they are not.
A man used John Lennon's song Imagine as a sermon. If there was "no religion too," maybe no wars and science would be free to discover new things. Would we be unified?
Pastors of churches (not all) have cheated on their wives or had some kind of secret sin. The religiously warped have bombed abortion clinics and some have done more like that.
Non- beleivers, which I used to relate to, lump the christians who follow God's message as crazy, and as one unit.I am sure you remeber what was suppose to happen last month, the rapture.
I beleive in unity but not all christians are alike.
I think of my pastor, if I drank beer I could have abeer with him. He also got me into the band muse.
For non-believers maybe the churchy enviroment isn't your bag. However God does want us to go to church. I say take baby steps: such as praying, try to find a booklet called the daily bread. This booklet as verses and passages to explain things. It takes no time at all to do it everyday. Eventually after all that you may want tp find a church.
You want to know how I found my church? I found out about it in a bar. I was talking to this navy vet, and I felt comfortable enough to ask him about church. God was working that night. Drinking at a bar was the only way I would listen, at the time. It taught me that God can be accomadating.
The only reason I started praying was because I hit bottom, and I had no other option. If you are a non-believer don't wait until the world is crashing down upon you, like I did.
As far as praying goes, my prayers are short and sweat unlike my grandpa's prayers that were extravagant and beautiful. I pray short prayers through out the day like conversation. It is sometimes as simple as saying, "help me Jesus," or "thank you, Jesus." When I am not praying those prayers I am usually praying for my family.
Non-believers you can find your spot in God's world. You will be invited with open arms. Finally churches aren't the walls and the roof, it is whorshiping God wherever you can.

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