Sunday, June 12, 2011

Sunday 6/12/11

Inspired by Psalms 89
-talks about how faithful God is

Luke 6:27-
Love your enemies
turning the other cheek
Give even though you won't be paid back
heaven's reward is far greater

John 19:30-
"It is finished!"
If I was there those words would have concerned me
(skipped to the Resurrection)
Pastor talked about Faith
example: Do you have faith that Alexander the great conquered all those countries? How can you? You weren't there. Faith.
I think you probably understand what is was getting at.

Revelations 22:7-
In this God refers to himself as Alpha the Omega and the morning star. (to name a few)
I was compelled to read some of revelations, which is a weird book, because I am sure you remember what was suppose to happen May 21- the rapture.
For some of us God has reduced (if reduce is the right word) as little kids the night before Christmas. JUst that God refers to himself as the morning star proves that there are sights in nature that says God is watching us. There is nature and the pleasantries of the human condition in this life so my question is What is the rush?

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