Sunday, September 18, 2011

Glory that Last

Imagine a long drunken night that has led you to 7-11 to get some chips and a soda. Maybe drinking so much makes you hungry. You are adding more calories to that beer gut that you curse when you get out of the shower or maybe you joke and call it your speed bump for sex. Young men still howl. There limbidos are jumping up down in antcipation like a boxer just before a heavy weight championship. It is there in our late teens and into our twenties. The search for glory and good times.
However, you remember that clash song Death or Glory. You remember that first line it goes something like this... Every cheap hood makes a bargain with the world, ends up making payments on a sofa or a girl. That means we start out thinking we can take on the world. It most cases we lose or have several failed attempts. The wrong way is more apealing and it is easy or takes less effort then the right way.
Some of you who have gone through those years may see yourself as damaged. Maybe you have some regret or a mountain of regret.
When our crazy years are over what do we have to show for it. Maybe a story to tell.
I've been to places where I have seen men in their fifties or even sixties trying to pick up young ladies. Maybe guys have a little bit more trouble growing up then women.
Glory, I treated it as if it was my job. It can leave you lonely because the rest of your friends find a woman or they have kids that make them think or love something greater then themselves. That Glory doen't last.
What Glory last? Having a personal relationship with Jesus. As younger man I was probably turned off by the same things that turn you off now. I beleive that even went I went astray for my pursuit of Man's Glory Jesus never left me. He was protecting me. Maybe you can think back to a situation where that you just barely escaped or maybe you got out of the car the right time.
I was insulting Jesus and his followers. Yet I was still curious. His glory is like Thankgsgiving dinner or lunch. He will keep you full.
I guess this writing was inspired by an area 10 sermon. It was talking about kids and teenagers. When I was that age I wonder if I would have listened instead of taking as many detours as I have. Maybe the right way seemed to hard. Maybe the christians in my life at the time seemed perfect and I knew I was so far from it. What an off view.
I have just recently recieved some success. I am being published in an academic journal that belongs to Oxford University as in Londan. This is after I prayed several times (probably for me more then anything else) that I wanted to put my writing in God's hands. THis is very hard for me to do. Glory... Put your heart and soul on the page and give it to Jesus. Something will happen. I was long over due for publication. In conclusion, find the right Glory.

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