Thursday, September 15, 2011

Putting things into persepective

Maybe every parent at one time or another let's their child go out to succeed or fail. One case of this when their child maybe starts school rather it is pre-k or college. As much as a parent would like to hold their child's hand during the whole day. Parents know they can't do that. But when that child comes home they will be spoiled with a cookie or a hug.
To look at an extreme When Jesus was nailed to the cross, he cried out,"MY God, My God, why have you forsaken me!" God turned his back on his son.
This cry should put things into persepective. Our problems are so small considering what Jesus went through on the cross. Are you really complaining that much about not finding a parking spot? You may lost your job and you had to experience a kind of downsizing of your lifestyle so to speak. YOu still have roof over your head. Maybe you are asking God why did you give this weakness or disablity to me. Imagine being not only rejected but being nailed to a cross.
When Jesus ascended to heaven who do you think was staring out the front door for his son to come home. Do you think they shared a bottle of wine? MAybe they had a huge feast. Sometimes all it takes is the look in our father's or mother's eyes to make us feel welcome to give that feeling of being home.

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