Saturday, September 3, 2011

Old Law to new law

Today I was thinking selfishly I was looking for verses to help my own gain. I of course am not a bible jock. I usually look in the index, and I have mentioned my memory how I can't remember verses. I actually thought that God was refusing to lead me to find comfort for just me. However, he was infact leading me to this verse in Hebrews 10:1-
It states The old system in the law of moses was only a shadow of the things to come, not the reality of the good things Christ have done for us.
In short they will not stone you if you commit adultery. They not going to cut your hands off if you steal. It is not an eye for an eye and tooth for a tooth. Jesus was only the untimate sacrafice but the great example to live by. There is effidence that he would talk to anybody.
I think of the republican party some of them live by old law or politcians in general who seem to have faith won't listen or make the proper decisions to help the weak or even the wretch.
Some of you may have a problem with the old testament. You should still read but I believe strongly that we should live by Jesus, the son of God's teachings and action. He accepts everyone.

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