Friday, April 27, 2012

I was listening to pandora Fugazi radio, and I can't help but feel like punk and christianity have a parallel. Strife to have a personal relationship with Jesus. You will find it is similar. Jesus wants the sinners. If you come from a broken home with a mowhawk or pink hair God wants you. There are so many things out there to turn you off. I have had the same trouble. The fact that God created this universe with a  big bang tells me that he is like us. He didn't start us out to make money or to have the big house or big car. God is not greedy. I have touble thinking that God wants us to be just in a little worlds not questioning the governement or anything else. Read Psalms and the red print of the new testament. Jesus embraces all. Sometimes that is not discussed. Sometimes the big walls of some is all you see, but I tell you God accepts all and he wants you. Jesus is Punk. Greed does not exist in heaven.

Monday, April 23, 2012

off the top of my head

Venus winks,
and from the looks of things
she can do whatever somes to mind.
the other stars shine, but can't compete.
she is in the west away from city lights,
while the rest of the sky is dark
she shines just enough but we still need our headlights.
LAtely the clouds have been covering her up,
but I know she is there just to wink at us
while we wait for the rain to stop.
the wind fights for a glimpse.

Thursday, April 19, 2012


Have you ever been overwhelmed by the struggles of others?
The wretch turns to alchohol
the beauty shines in colorful shades
when you meet them
like the woman who was called ugly all her life
by her dad and grandmother
and then the homosexual who stumbled
with every excessive sip of vodka and cranberry
he studied at Juliard
talents within the struggle
can be an extention of the hand
of the leg and of the mind
I have trouble seeing them as sinful
Alchohol runs deep and the gene runs deep in so many veins
I have my faith and a glass of beer
sometimes I feel strength in alone
but God wants us to venture outside our comfort zones
to the wretch
Dear God give us strrength not to feel overwhelmed
by the things we can't change
I ask you to show yourself
within the lives of the people on the outside
we have to have a value
Please God

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Jazz Freewrite

I was going to review Miles Davis' album Nefertiti, but when I listened to the tenor sax on the album, I realized that is not JOhn Coltrane. It is Waybe Shorter still good but there are nights where I just have to have JOhn Coltrane speak to me the only way he knows how.
Also on the album, MIles Davis didn't write any of the songs. It is either Wayne Shorter, Herbis Hancock,or Tony williams.
This is a good album for a lazy day or after work is over or your errands are over.
I have several John Coltrane albums on my I tunes. Sometimes I listen back to back. I wish I could get you all into jazz because I know some of you are not.
Here is a few theories on how to listen to jazz. It can either just be backgorund music or you can do your best to listen to each note, and think about what it means to you. Maybe look at the title of the song, and then try to figure out why the note is there. Don't stress over it just think what it means to you.
The state of jazz is dreaming. Jazz can be a conversation between instruments sealed in by the drums. Jazz can be seen as a relative that visits out of the blue when you don't know what to listen to.
I like this album but I miss Coltrane.
For those of you who want to get into Jazz. I suggest starting with MIles Davis' KInd of Blue. I would like to recommend more albums but for the most part a person should take there own journey.
I personally never got into fusion. THis is a invention by MIles Davis. Some of Coltrane may be to advance.
I consider jazz my firend.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

The Resssurection- here me out

Very few of us have gone through what Jesus has gone through on the cross. He was beaten, nails were beaten in his wrist, and then he was ran through by spear. He died then he rose from the dead. This is pretty much the corner stone of the Christian faith.
I went to my mom's church Easter Sunday, and then today I heard the Easter message from my church. Same idea but not the same message. The second time around I got another perspective.
Have you been. laid off, were you in the combat zone, did you just have a huge argument with your spouse or partner. These are just a few things where people can feel defeated.
I often feel inspired by other vets down at the hospital. Some are in wheelchairs, some have some kind of prosthetic, or they are just alone. But they are there. Although they probably feel like staying in bed like I do sometimes they decide to take on the day.
Is it safe to say that some people have experience something they killed them emotionally or mentally. (This may be a strong analogy) What do alot of us do? We rise again to take on the day.
The hazing I experience doesn't compare to the brutal truth of Christ crucifixon. I asked for help to who ever was listening. I might have been broken by the army, but I got back into my m-113 (tank) and looked forward to being back home in the barracks.
When you leave your solitude you will come in contact with people who might not understand you or in some cases don't even like you. Maybe a HI how are you is tough to say to some of these people. I am not going to say KIll them with kindness but I will say remember why you are working. Remember why you are there and remember who put you here. I think the motivation will come.
Maybe you are living day to day or you live by what one of my uncles says, "Every day above ground is a good day." Think about this, everytime we rise we are that much closer to heaven.

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Soul Soldier Riot

Rain like the sound of tap dancing little feet
horns blow on lips
lovers drive in figure eights
the black bird baths in a public pool
recess has the voters
polticians trade lives
and we are all nature
the clock drips within the evenings
it drips causes together
for one world
what could it all mean,
when boundaries are bought off
by untapped resources
and it goes on , humbled
languages are now seen eye to eye
house on the hill is leveled
the public celebrates
status quo is opened
we embrace
as traffic stops to walk
limits breakdown
solitude is social
in between the lines we all sing

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Put the Power Back in the Hands of the People

I believe the media is separating this country further. This country has given us the freedom to be a democrat or republican. I am not saying either side is wrong, but when it comes to Fox News or Msnbc all they want are viewers or ratings.
Fox News will call you an anarchist if you don't agree with them or they will suggest you are anti-american. Msnbc or Chris Mathews wants his point to be known and that is about it.
How about this if we have town hall debates. Bring the Occupy MOvement and the tea party together. Maybe have pro-life and prochoice come together. What I am trying to say is that legislation should be written by the people. Here is the catch, it has to be written by two groups on the opposite ends of the spectrum. We have to find comman ground. I believe or am optimsitc enough to think the people can find comman ground or compromise.
Instead of forming a picket line maybe learn to give and take a little bit.
Can you imagine a debate between the tea party and the occupy movement. Maybe they would be able to agree on tax cuts for the middle class and raising minumum wage.
I believe the media is instigating. I believe in unity, and think the people should be apart of the checks and balances of the government. Not just apart of the voting.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Malcolm's perspective: HUmans are weird.

Sometimes I just say screw it and go to bed in my spot, when he feels the need to stay up late. Other times I am right there with him trying to tell him, 'I want to go to bed.'
The best thing I can do is sleep. I am really good at it, and my owner seems to let me do it whenever I damn well please.
Sometimes when I am awake in the day, I sit beside him and just stare. Sometimes I talk to him in my own language. I do this because I want food in my bowl. He is here to take care of me he should know better.
It is something called Spring now. I usually want to be outside. He doesn't let me go out the front door, because there are bad kids on this block. This is okay with me. He let's me go on his balcony where the sun shines.
He is trying to train me to be outside when the screen door is closed. But what is the point of that? If the screen is closed then the flies won't come in, and I will have no one to play with. That is the point of flies, right?- To play with.
He let's me do whatever I want. It is my kingdom, and sometimes he pets me and it feels so good. It's magic, and when he doesn't pet me I bite him. He should know I am here to be petted.
When it is hot he puts out alot of water for me. There is a bowl and food and water tray. He is so stupid. Doesn't he know that water goes right through me? And if it goes right through me he will just have to clean my litter box more. HUmans are so weird.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Ideal Woman

I came across a shooting star
the rest were distracted by her shine
Although she fell
Her grace was intact with God
Pleasantries for aquauintances
and love for the one's close
strong and steadfast
she swam through rivers
and climbed mountains
trying to find her place back into the sky
Eventaully she found
The sky was a distance away from her place with me
who had also fallen
not on display for the world to see
The sky may not have limits
but the earth below has faces that can compete
with stars dimming from their shine
a million miles away

Monday, April 2, 2012

The Prophet Profits

In a place where the norm
thinks a smile is scarce
the prophet profits with blue skies
prosperity a state of mind
as traffic stacks up
and tall buildings block the sun
cooling us with its shadows
trees show virgin buds
and flowers peak their heads up
from thier winter solitude
the prophet profits
as crooked polictians lie
unemployment lines are motivated by the new day
If the miracle didn't happen then how could it have lasted so long
the prophet profits with believers
and the believers spread the word
hearing the prophet's voice
that influences their explaination
eyes listening shine like flashlights
on a dark path away from street lamps
the prophet profits hearing praises to him
properity a state of mind