Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Put the Power Back in the Hands of the People

I believe the media is separating this country further. This country has given us the freedom to be a democrat or republican. I am not saying either side is wrong, but when it comes to Fox News or Msnbc all they want are viewers or ratings.
Fox News will call you an anarchist if you don't agree with them or they will suggest you are anti-american. Msnbc or Chris Mathews wants his point to be known and that is about it.
How about this if we have town hall debates. Bring the Occupy MOvement and the tea party together. Maybe have pro-life and prochoice come together. What I am trying to say is that legislation should be written by the people. Here is the catch, it has to be written by two groups on the opposite ends of the spectrum. We have to find comman ground. I believe or am optimsitc enough to think the people can find comman ground or compromise.
Instead of forming a picket line maybe learn to give and take a little bit.
Can you imagine a debate between the tea party and the occupy movement. Maybe they would be able to agree on tax cuts for the middle class and raising minumum wage.
I believe the media is instigating. I believe in unity, and think the people should be apart of the checks and balances of the government. Not just apart of the voting.

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