Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Freewrite on Hbo movie

The movie was about Hemingway and one of his wives. If you don't get a little choked up then something is wrong with you. From this movie one can conclude Hemingway was a thrill seeker. He needs to be in epic moments. Hemingway is a dick he was a terrible husband, but his genious I beleive blocked those simple moments that I have learned to love. I figured he couldn't handle down time. His wife was similar at one point of the movie she said they couldn't handle the domesticated moments or something like that. I think the man who can spend time with his kids and love his wife should be immortalized. But you don't see that.
I think most men are looking for that high not with booz or drugs but of one of epic porptions. That can be a good golf shot, fishing, singing in a band, or the high when your team scores. Hopefully I am making since. I think we should learn to love the simple things: a child's smile, a sun set, just enough booz to make you feel like things are good and pleasant.
Hemingway drank alot. He had the money to go to Keywest and to do other things. For those of us who do not have the means to catch a marlin off the coast of Keywest we need those simple things.
Be with the once you love. Enjoy your fireindships.
I would like to say I enjoyed the movie and if you have HBO you should watch it.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Selective Hearing- an article for People who seek the truth

This in response to the article which discussed the study about who was more informed with news. This study comes out an yet MSNBC and Fox News is still fueled. Persnally I think we should boycott both of them, but I think extemeism is not the way to grow. It will take moderation, compromise, and a balance. I ask you to seek the truth. Question everything.
Both MSNBC and Fox are a big reason why this country is so separated. These two news organizations want viewers. They will probably say anything rather you are rich white guy who don't want to pay your taxes or a hipster who consider themselves open minded but you are not willing to compromise. These two group's passions aren't helping our current situation in this country. 
NpR scored the highest. Radio. When I was a kid I remeber thinking that NPR was boring. Think about it, There isn't different camera angles for those of us with short attention spans. THere isn't those catchy headlines with picture that makes you want to watch. MsnBc and Fox news does just about anything to make sure you don't change the channel. It is safe to say that both are sensationlism.
Selective Hearing we listen to what discusses our own values, and sometimes we believe anything.
Who ever is the president in the next election you know these news sources will be using propaganda for their own gain. Do you think that either group will support you if you decide to take it to the streets, however, they may give you that extra push out the door. Do you think Fox News is giving money to the republican canidate, MItt Romney? Do you think MSnbc is giving money to BArrack Obama? And you know both have alot of money. THey are a business. It isn't journalism.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Malcolm's Persepective: On my Owner's Balcony

I see flying creatures in the trees, somtimes flying to another branch of the trees in front. They are shades of blue red and brown. My owner jokes that this is my playpen. I don't know what that is. I see furry creatures walking by their owner's. THey bark at other creatures similar to them and strangers that live in my building. At first I step softly on the rough surface of my playpen. My owner leaves the door open so I can come and go as I please.
Yesterday, there were men trimming my tree's lower branches. They made alot of noise trimming those branches that scared me. I ran back inside and chased the insects that came in from the door being opened.
The owner's of the furry creatures hold plastic bags and clean up after their pets. They should try a litter box. I wonder who is leading who. Their tails wag while mine stays down.
Somtimes there is a cool breeze, not to strong, that feels like my owner's hands caressing my fur.
For now I am hungry, and my bowl is half full of my food. So delicious.

Monday, May 21, 2012


Had an attack today. I had these more often when it was earlier in recovery. They are usually old images or visions that were not suppose to be in my head attacking my brain. My heart usually feels like a car about to run out of gas. I have hot sweats, not dripping off my forehead, but enough for it to be moist.
I didn't go to therapy today, because of the rain. I hate driving in the rain. My therapist understood, and we had a short session over the phone.
Afterwards while I was smoking and drinking my coffee was when I had the attack.
The attacks (that don't happen as often anymore) is one of several reasons that make me less dependable for jobs and relationships.
Yesterday, my dad gave me back my uniforms:BDU's and class A's. I felt some pride even though in a veteran's pissing contest, I usually lose. I would be the first to say I didn't experience shit. Yet here I am on disability.
During basic training and advance, I think my head was in the game. The since of community one feels in basic can't be explained. Then after when you feel like you made some firends, you are shipped off to your first duty station where you get more freedom, but you find things are separated when you bring out the boos, and the video games. Kind of makes you wonder about freedom.
In basic during rifle maintenance, I wanted to be a sniper. I figured they were alone which was what I was feeling, but they were productive. Why I thought I could be one is beyond me. I didn't grow up around guns which would have helped. I was in a family of eduactors and counselors.
After failing the test for rifle maintenance ,it took me two times to finally pass it. Some soldiers didn't though so they would have to be recycled and do the training all over again.
It is raining hard now.
I remember in basic when we were picking our duty stations there was a stryker brigade that was deploying. I had seen the stryker on tv. It was a huge tank on fat wheels. The Abrahms could go 67 mph. A Stryker could go faster but it can tip over easily, because it is top heavy.
I think I told them I was interested. I sat down to sign the line, and suddenly I thought of family, firends, and people I met along the way. I honestly got scared. I think it was the first time I got scared in the army. I really beat myself up afterwards. I felt like a failure so I didn't sign. I decided to go to Fort Irwin.
Fort Irwin is in the MOjave desert. This will seem contradictory but when I first arrrived Ifelt a since of a let down. I was trained to go to war, and I wished I signed up for the stryker brigade.
At FOrt Irwin you have alot of time on your hands. Some guys smoked pot and sold drugs, there was hazing, and some guys went to the shitsty known as Barstowe and got tattoos. I got a tattoo and drank alot.
HOw would we grow without experiences like this? Gran it I am glad I am out of the army but I value those times. People in my life will never understand why I reflect on them but without them I wouldn't be the man I am today. Today I am thankful and feel very blessed. Today I am alive as you are and feel like everyday is a blessing. It has stopped raining now so I feel the need to be productive. In the words of Loyd Dobbler from Say Anything, "The rain is a baptism." Aren't we lucky to have the chance to wash away our past endeaveors.  

Friday, May 11, 2012


Want a woman
looking good without makeup
steps in barefeet
and speaks to me
with intent
want a woman
with some scars
even if it is stretch marks
maybe has a job
no criminal record
want a woman who
I can take out
who is friendly to all
but comes home to me
wants to show her silly bell button
and occassionally
forgets her hair
want a woman
want a woman
to whisper to me
that is enough
rather it is boos or the tv
want a woman who is collected
and saves me money
want  a woman
who loves the trees feminity
want a woman who likes
when dinner is a package
placed on a skillet to be devoured
with beer or wine
want a woman who doesn't create drama
but she knows life is an anarchist
want a woman
want a woman

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

When We Were Young by Jason Jepson

This for my readers in the continental U.S. Maybe this is an act of desparation, but if you purchase a copy of my book or I sent you a free copy feel free to review it on Amazon or Barnes and Noble. It is sold on other websites which you can review there. If you don't have a copy you can get a used copy cheaply on amazon or barnes and noble. YOu can also get it as a ebook for you kindle or nook. Better yet get it on itunes and post a review there. YOu would be helping me out, and for those of you who help me get it out there I can send you a free copy of my next book Free Verse and other Casualities. My new book is poetry. I am told books of poetry do not sell but hey I am also a poet and I have been stock piling my poetry just for this. I understand you are busy. It will only take a minute out of your busy schedule. Thanks for reading, and have a good one.

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Crooked Polticians

I am going to tell you things you already know but hear me out. We have a democrat for president, and based on alot of friends on facebook you don't like him. Some of you post things against him, maybe about raising taxes or just how big the governement is. During Bush's presidency, alot of democrats thought the military was too big and didn't like other policies. These are things you already know. I conclude all politicans are crooked. They have a hidden agenda. They all do. My question is do they want us to be separated? Do they want us to get in heated arguements to keep us separated? We are depending on crooked polticians to spend our money and for our well fare. They are all currupt, and I think the left and right will never see eye to eye, but they should talk.
In the house it is a shouting match. The president is blaming the legislative branch while the majority of republicans are blaming the president. We are not going to get along.
Both sides aren't telling us the truth. BOth sides have their own agenda, and I don't think they have our lives in their hearts.
Think of this, it is an election year. I think the people should have more freedom as in us. Politicans will say whatever to get elected. BOth sides will sling mud at the other, and both sides aren't working hard enough to think up solutions.
I am 31 years old I don't thnk anyone will listen to me, but how about the youth of today as in college graduates. They are getting eduacted and will have alot of debt. They will have to grow up fast because they are not guanteed a job. Doesn't that sum up America for the most part. NO jobs and deep in debt.
Have you seen interviews with them on tv. They don't seem to naive to me. They know it will be a moutain to climb. We should hear them out. We should treat our future, in more ways then one, alot better.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Trip to Barnes and NOble

Reach deep in your pocket, and start a war.
drum solo on the first track of Saxophone Colossus
will jam your eyelids shut
while you cry out for mercy
remember you are driving
weaving through cars
headlights on
waiting to see what's next
like a rookie
yet driven this
straight shot before
turn it up
with the left blinker on
turn in, turn out, turn over,
stereo awaits