Thursday, May 3, 2012

Crooked Polticians

I am going to tell you things you already know but hear me out. We have a democrat for president, and based on alot of friends on facebook you don't like him. Some of you post things against him, maybe about raising taxes or just how big the governement is. During Bush's presidency, alot of democrats thought the military was too big and didn't like other policies. These are things you already know. I conclude all politicans are crooked. They have a hidden agenda. They all do. My question is do they want us to be separated? Do they want us to get in heated arguements to keep us separated? We are depending on crooked polticians to spend our money and for our well fare. They are all currupt, and I think the left and right will never see eye to eye, but they should talk.
In the house it is a shouting match. The president is blaming the legislative branch while the majority of republicans are blaming the president. We are not going to get along.
Both sides aren't telling us the truth. BOth sides have their own agenda, and I don't think they have our lives in their hearts.
Think of this, it is an election year. I think the people should have more freedom as in us. Politicans will say whatever to get elected. BOth sides will sling mud at the other, and both sides aren't working hard enough to think up solutions.
I am 31 years old I don't thnk anyone will listen to me, but how about the youth of today as in college graduates. They are getting eduacted and will have alot of debt. They will have to grow up fast because they are not guanteed a job. Doesn't that sum up America for the most part. NO jobs and deep in debt.
Have you seen interviews with them on tv. They don't seem to naive to me. They know it will be a moutain to climb. We should hear them out. We should treat our future, in more ways then one, alot better.

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