Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Malcolm's Persepective: On my Owner's Balcony

I see flying creatures in the trees, somtimes flying to another branch of the trees in front. They are shades of blue red and brown. My owner jokes that this is my playpen. I don't know what that is. I see furry creatures walking by their owner's. THey bark at other creatures similar to them and strangers that live in my building. At first I step softly on the rough surface of my playpen. My owner leaves the door open so I can come and go as I please.
Yesterday, there were men trimming my tree's lower branches. They made alot of noise trimming those branches that scared me. I ran back inside and chased the insects that came in from the door being opened.
The owner's of the furry creatures hold plastic bags and clean up after their pets. They should try a litter box. I wonder who is leading who. Their tails wag while mine stays down.
Somtimes there is a cool breeze, not to strong, that feels like my owner's hands caressing my fur.
For now I am hungry, and my bowl is half full of my food. So delicious.

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