Thursday, May 24, 2012

Selective Hearing- an article for People who seek the truth

This in response to the article which discussed the study about who was more informed with news. This study comes out an yet MSNBC and Fox News is still fueled. Persnally I think we should boycott both of them, but I think extemeism is not the way to grow. It will take moderation, compromise, and a balance. I ask you to seek the truth. Question everything.
Both MSNBC and Fox are a big reason why this country is so separated. These two news organizations want viewers. They will probably say anything rather you are rich white guy who don't want to pay your taxes or a hipster who consider themselves open minded but you are not willing to compromise. These two group's passions aren't helping our current situation in this country. 
NpR scored the highest. Radio. When I was a kid I remeber thinking that NPR was boring. Think about it, There isn't different camera angles for those of us with short attention spans. THere isn't those catchy headlines with picture that makes you want to watch. MsnBc and Fox news does just about anything to make sure you don't change the channel. It is safe to say that both are sensationlism.
Selective Hearing we listen to what discusses our own values, and sometimes we believe anything.
Who ever is the president in the next election you know these news sources will be using propaganda for their own gain. Do you think that either group will support you if you decide to take it to the streets, however, they may give you that extra push out the door. Do you think Fox News is giving money to the republican canidate, MItt Romney? Do you think MSnbc is giving money to BArrack Obama? And you know both have alot of money. THey are a business. It isn't journalism.

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