Wednesday, May 9, 2012

When We Were Young by Jason Jepson

This for my readers in the continental U.S. Maybe this is an act of desparation, but if you purchase a copy of my book or I sent you a free copy feel free to review it on Amazon or Barnes and Noble. It is sold on other websites which you can review there. If you don't have a copy you can get a used copy cheaply on amazon or barnes and noble. YOu can also get it as a ebook for you kindle or nook. Better yet get it on itunes and post a review there. YOu would be helping me out, and for those of you who help me get it out there I can send you a free copy of my next book Free Verse and other Casualities. My new book is poetry. I am told books of poetry do not sell but hey I am also a poet and I have been stock piling my poetry just for this. I understand you are busy. It will only take a minute out of your busy schedule. Thanks for reading, and have a good one.

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