Sunday, July 29, 2012

area10 blog post- sermon on July 2.

This sermon was in Mark I believe 7. The title of the sermon was called, How Jesus saw the world. Jesus and his disiples were sitting down to eat and the religous leaders notice that their hands, disciples hands were dirty. The religious leaders asked Jesus why aren't they following tradition. Jesus replied pretty sternly calling them hypocites quoting Isaiah.
I am not necassarily going to talk about how Jesus saw the world but talk about relationships.
How does Jesus see his disciples or even followers. I remember what my pastor and my dad said about their kids and wife. They said something along these lines. I love my wife she's great but mess with one of my kids and you're in trouble.
I think of my relationship with Jesus, lately I have been treating him like a taxi cab driver. I may leave him with interest I shouldn't be into but he is always willing to pick me up. Honestly I have been praying, but I haven't been reading my bible, and I gotten behind in my sermons from area 10.
This sermon also went into people who say they love Jesus but do not want to follow the bible, because they don't agree with what it says. To many of us are influence by what I call the lost followers and not, by who, Jesus' word. Jesus questions tradition. Jesus wouldn't protest a funeral.
I tell you what, once I come back to him from being kind of astray, it feels so good.
Reading the bible. For the life of me I can't quote scripture. I can't memorize. Those of you who know me know that I am scrambled like eggs. There have been many cases where Jesus quoted the bible. Do you remember when he was vasting in the desert for 40 days. Satan was there trying to take advantage of Jesus' weakness. Jesus quote scripture.
I will leave you with this find a firend of the bible. as in a disciple a prophet or someone and just read. My favorite is Paul. He wrote most of the new testament, but I think I might read Mark. Find a firend and read.

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