Tuesday, July 31, 2012

science fiction


So symptoms edged and inched into my brain as I somehow misplaced my entire iTunes library on my computer. I must have tried for 3 hours to relocate it. I eventually found it written down in my music file but still I couldn’t listen to it for whatever reason.

            I thought my upstairs neighbor was behind it even though I reminded myself several times that he had moved out or if he didn’t move out he was just really quiet. I decided after picking up my pork fried rice from my favorite Chinese restaurant that I would take a whole pill of meds instead of just the half.

            I hadn’t drunk since Saturday. It is now Tuesday so I figure drinking four days back to back had something to do with it.

            Schizophrenia you feel the paranoia similar to illegal drugs but you don’t feel the high. You constantly have to remind yourself that most of this isn’t actually going on.

            I woke up after 2pm today, not quite sure on the exact time. I usually only sleep this late, after a night of heavy drinking.

            I’ve put my name out there to two volunteer jobs. Nothing yet.

            Saturday night there was a kiss cover band playing. I walked around mainly to check out the girls. Funny, I don’t know what my type is but I know what it is not. This was at Breakers.

            I’ve been seeing the same guy there. I say Hi he says nothing back. Of course my paranoia happens but the thoughts don’t make any since. They don’t make any since because I don’t tell anybody where I am going, but sometimes I feel like people are following me. Again Ignore it chances are it isn’t actually going on.

            Before that it was Applebee’s. Coming in I saw a friend, as I sat down I thought I heard a girl at the bar say, “He has crazy eyes.”

            I probably did, because before I came out I thought I heard someone a neighbor or someone in my building say, “If he goes out tonight, he’ll be arrested.” Obviously I went out anyway.   

            Just now a knock at my door, it is a soldier, I invite him in, and now he sitting down wondering why I am writing this and staring at him at the same time.

            “Do you remember Doctor Wetter?” He asked.

            “Yes,” I answered,” he was the army doctor who diagnosed me plantar fasciitis.”

            The soldier laughed, “That is the least of you problems.”

            That kind of made me angry.

            “Well, I had a mental breakdown.”

            “You did, did ya?” The soldier asked sarcastically.

            “Why are you here?”  I finally asked.

            “Dr. Wetter was in your corner. He wanted you to win the war all by yourself. The other privates got jealous and thought otherwise.”

            “They duct taped me.” I said.

            “Yes, you were discharged with special powers. You are experienced another step of evolution.”

            “What are you trying to say?” I asked.

            “You were tormented so much that you now can see other’s thoughts, and the government is interested in you.”

            “Why am I asking you these questions, if I can see other’s thoughts?” I inquired.

            “All it takes to have your power is to make eye contact with you.” The soldier answered with a big grin on his face. “I’ve blocked you out.”

            “I think you better leave.” I said getting pissed off.

            “The government keeps tabs on you sometimes, every couple of years. You may think everything is fine but truth is you are creating a super human.”

He went on to say, “This is classified but you are a hero. You go spreading that and people will think you are schizophrenic. The two are similar.”

            “How are they similar?” I asked.

            “A schizophrenic will hear voices inside their head, but it is a delusion. However, a person might have your special powers but the voices in their head are from real people.”

            “What if I wear sunglasses?” I asked.

            The soldier’s jaw dropped. Then it closed again and then he grinned.

            “On the asvab you tested at genius levels.”

            The soldier started walking to the door.

            “Don’t abuse it-“

            “I want to get even with my recruiter.”

            “Tell you what nothing over a sergeant first class. Do you remember what that is?” The soldier asked.

            “That is three up, three down and two rockers.” I answered.  

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