Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Quote from Winston Churchill

"We have always found the Irish a bit odd. They refuse to be English."
He said something else (atleast I think it was him) something like he understands when he was young being liberal but as an older man being conservative.
Two people that I love immensely have posted things on facebook against my view on chic-filet. One was that is was freedom of speech, the other one was a pic of Linsey Grahm eating chic-filet.
Do you remember freedom fries? I personally always wanted to go to Paris. People have forgotten about it now.
This quote speeks volumes to me. My thoughts go way back to high school with the whole freak and prep little separation there. What side were you on? I can have a beer with anyone now.
Our right to disagree is AMerican, however when there is no compromise it can be anarchy.
Raised by educators I don't understand why conservatives always want to cut the education budget. I wish someone would explain it to me.
If you are only communicating with people who feel the exact same you do then you are stuck in the mud.
As a moderate I agreed with investing in enviromental savy businesses. MOst didn't work out. Now should we have not invest in the enviroment? No but maybe it shouldn't have been as much.
Obama Care. My fellow mental health consumers would most likely be turned away from an insurance company for pre-exisiting conditions. That is really all I understand about the new health care law.
Bigotry. I think it can have a different definition for everybody.

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