Sunday, August 26, 2012

Tomorrow I might feel differently

We are imperfect. Our parents came together. They were imperfect. NOt to mention look at it as a Biology stand point We are full of mutations. Think of nature. TRy finding a straight line in nature. What angers me is mankind delusion of perfection. Things move to chaos. Some of you probably don't like when I get religious but deal with it. We are imperfect. LIfe is imperfect strive to follow chaos not perfection. And chaos isn't necasrily the end of a world but it is apart of imperfection.
Perfection isn't rememberable, but imperfection tells the best funny stories.
THe sermon I hear today was about facing your fear. I am not as brave as I was as a younger man. You could say the real world kicked my butt. You can also say I had to go crazy inorder to be a mature adult. Ha. I shared the sermon on my facebook and Twitter page. Please listen.
Some of you think that Christianity is opressive. How can God be opressive when he helps you to conquer fear. There is a verse in the bible, the truth will set you free

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