Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Perception in our reality

I looked up perception today and saw a bunch of five dollars words that I didn't know what they meant. SO I will use the example they used, They used the European Peacock butterflies. THese butterflies have wings that bear eyes so birds think the eyes are the eyes of a preditor.
Romney claims (and he says this alot) that under Obama's health care law there were cuts up to $716 billion taken out of the medicare trust.
According to Politifact, Neither Obama or his health care law literally cut funding from the medicare budget. The new health care law insituted a number of changes to try to bring down future health care cost in the program.
Now the Gop's convention theme: "You didn't build that."
This was from media matters. On this website there was Obama's actual quote. I will sum it up,
Obama:Individual drive, infrastructure, teachers contribute to small business success. The quote by Obama ended by saying,"Youre not on your own, we are in this together."
Media Matters says Fox News and friends deceptively Edited Obama's comments on small business.
I will go back to perception. I don't think all conservatives are bad, and I am sure that there are some extreme liberals that have done their fair share of editing. I urge you to check the facts. Check the evidence untill you are blue in the face.
The media gets their money by creating contraversey.

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