Friday, August 17, 2012

Losers should write history; a call to weirdos

WHen it comes to reading I usually can't stay on the same book. I started  A FArewell to Arms but then started reading THe BIrth of the Beat Generation.
I read some writing about William B. The guy had some issues and I cant help but feel if they had the break threws in Pshycology now then maybe the beats wouldn't happen. I read part Of gensburgs diaries and couldn't help but see that the misfits understand this country better then the mainstream. Afterall the majority has had a history of being wrong in this country such as slavery and segragation to name a few.
If we would have listened to the so called losers the so called misfits before hand would we be in this mess.
Burroughs was a part of a well to do family. After he graduated from Harvard his family sent him to Europe so you can't say he did have the oppatunity to succeed in the comman since. I've read JUnky and thought it was a great book. It is about him on drugs.
For those of us who do not have the money, who don't seek the right partner and who don't have majority's view on whatever. I can't help but think we should be part of the mainstream. The funny thing is if you look at clothes for kids now they are similar to what I used to wear. A good friend of mine would come to school with bed head and now that is the style with gell of course.
The struggle, some use medication most do not, how can you not see the losers view point. I say loser because I was called a loser several times in my life and now have some pride that I am not conforming to society materialistics ways. I buy what I need. The runaway slave had a voice. The rebellious teenager has  a voice. We should really listen to what the past and present have to say. Chances are it isn't the voice of the country club or from the woman with the fur coat but the man serving these people.  As a whole we've had the same opportunities so write it down on whatever you have. Write your story down. Someone will read it. Educate people about yourself.

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