Sunday, July 1, 2012

The Few Times I thought I was in LOve...

THe few times (when I was younger) when I thought I was in love couldn't be explained in a single text message. THen I thought the best way to express myself was through pen and paper. What are kids doing now? If I did anything like I did when I was younger it wouldn't be accepted today. When I thought I was in love I was somewhat wreckless. Under the influence of young love I probably shouldn't be driving a car. I urge the youth of today to go ahead write free handed to impress that girl or boy. I urge the youth of today to make that playlist so you can possibly slow dance with the one you care about. HOw is it now? I know when I go to the bars women are often on their phones. What have we become? If anything a text, a single text shouldn't be your fate. I've climbed up balconies and drove drunkenly to places where a letter or poetry was my last resort. I put myself on the line. A text is to easy. Put your phones away and talk to me face to face. Love should inspire you  and it should make you wreckless. This is coming from a person with just  a flip top phone and I couldn't be happier. 

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