Friday, May 6, 2011


Fortress in the sky
forming alliances with
the trees blowing of steam
the sun is hidden like the queen
she will hear later about the attack
on dry ground
the precipitation charges
slickens the road
and windows
seek sheltor
the birds with no name
attack bluejays
trying to set up sanctuary
stray cats retreat back unto the drains
the breeze doesn't discriminate
the limbs of the trees bend but don't break
as the weekend begins
the highway hums
as cars venture back home
plans cover up the grounds like puddles
the cat still sleeps on the quilt
I am watching the dopplar radar
the storm looks like a swarm of bees
they don't sting
but keep growth alive
a war that has been fought several times this spring
a car stereo yells as the car goes by
the fortress in the sky reassembles
winds die down then breathes out again
finally quiet
except for the news fading on tv
blue skies smile but fortress is still protecting the queen
peaking through to see the enemy covered
in thin sheets of water
Is the sky retreating?
no thunder or lightening

words into lines into phrases don't capture the observation
reality is far more exquiste then the art that tries to cage it

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